40 C.F.R. § 63 app Table 9 to Subpart JJJ of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 9 to Subpart JJJ of Part 63 - Routine Reports Required by This Subpart

Reference Description of reportDue date
§ 63.1335(b) and subpart ARefer to Table 1 and subpart ARefer to subpart A.
§ 63.1335(e)(3) Precompliance ReportaExisting affected sources-December 19, 2000. New affected sources-with application for approval of construction or reconstruction.
§ 63.1335(e)(4) Emissions Averaging PlanSeptember 19, 2000.
§ 63.1335(e)(4)(iv) Updates to Emissions Averaging Plan120 days prior to making the change necessitating the update.
§ 63.1335(e)(5) Notification of Compliance StatusbWithin 150 days after the compliance date.
§ 63.1335(e)(6) Periodic ReportsSemiannually, no later than 60 days after the end of each 6-month period. See § 63.1335(e)(6)(i) for the due date for the first report.
§ 63.1335(e)(6)(xi) Quarterly reports for Emissions AveragingNo later than 60 days after the end of each quarter. First report is due with the Notification of Compliance Status.
§ 63.1335(e)(6)(xii) Quarterly reports upon request of the AdministratorNo later than 60 days after the end of each quarter.
§ 63.1335(e)(7)(i) Storage Vessels Notification of InspectionAt least 30 days prior to the refilling of each storage vessel or the inspection of each storage vessel.
§ 63.1335(e)(7)(ii) Requests for Approval of a Nominal Control Efficiency for Use in Emissions AveragingInitial submittal is due with the Emissions Averaging Plan specified in § 63.1335(e)(4)(ii) ; later submittals are made at the discretion of the owner or operator as specified in § 63.1335(e)(7)(ii) (B) .
§ 63.1335(e)(7)(iii) Notification of Change in the Primary Product1. For notification under § 63.1310(f)(3)(ii) -notification submittal date at the discretion of the owner or operator.c
2. For notification under § 63.1310(f)(4)(ii) -within 6 months of making the determination.

a There may be two versions of this report due at different times; one for equipment subject to § 63.1331 and one for other emission points subject to this subpart.

b There will be two versions of this report due at different times; one for equipment subject to § 63.1331 and one for other emission points subject to this subpart.

c Note that the TPPU remains subject to this subpart until the notification under § 63.1310(f)(3)(i) is made.

40 C.F.R. 63 app Table 9 to Subpart JJJ of Part 63

66 FR 36939, July 16, 2001