40 C.F.R. § 63 app A to Subpart II of Part 63

Current through November 30, 2024
Appendix A to Subpart II of Part 63 - VOC Data Sheet

Adapted from EPA-340/1-86-016 (July 1986), p. II-2.

Properties of the Coating "As Supplied" by the Manufacturer

The subscript "s" denotes each value is for the coating "as supplied" by the manufacturer. * Incorporation by reference-see § 63.14 .

Coating Manufacturer: _______________________________

Coating Identification: _______________________________

Batch Identification: _______________________________

Supplied To: _______________________________

Properties of the coating as supplied1 to the customer:

A. Coating Density: (Dc)s ____ g/L

[ ] ASTM D1475-90 * [ ] Other3

B. Total Volatiles: (mv)s ____ Mass Percent

[ ] ASTM D2369-93 or 95 * [ ] Other3

C. Water Content:

1. (mw)s ____ Mass Percent

[ ] ASTM D3792-91 * [ ] ASTM D4017-81, 90, or 96a * [ ] Other

Explain the other method used under "Remarks."

2. (vw)s ____ Volume Percent

[ ] Calculated [ ] Other3

D. Organic Volatiles: (mo)s ____ Mass Percent

E. Nonvolatiles: (vn)s ____ Volume Percent

[ ] Calculated [ ] Other3

F. VOC Content (VOC)s:

1. ____ g/L solids (nonvolatiles)

2. ____ g/L coating (less water and exempt compounds)

G. Thinner Density: Dth ____ g/L

ASTM ____ [ ] Other3

Remarks: (use reverse side)

Signed: ______________ Date: ____________________________

40 C.F.R. 63 app A to Subpart II of Part 63

60 FR 64336, Dec. 15, 1995, as amended at 65 FR 62216 , Oct. 17, 2000