40 C.F.R. § 63 app Table 28 to Subpart G of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 28 to Subpart G of Part 63 - Deck Seam Length Factors [a] (S[D]) for Internal Floating Roof Tanks

Deck construction Typical deck seam length factor
Continuous sheet constructionb:
5-feet wide sheets0.2c
6-feet wide sheets0.17
7-feet wide sheets0.14
Panel constructiond:
5 * 7.5 feet rectangular0.33
5 * 12 feet rectangular0.28

a Deck seam loss applies to bolted decks only. Units for SD are feet per square feet.

b SD = 1/W, where W = sheet width (feet).

c If no specific information is available, these factors can be assumed to represent the most common bolted decks currently in use.

d SD = (L + W)/LW, where W = panel width (feet), and L = panel length (feet).

40 C.F.R. 63 app Table 28 to Subpart G of Part 63