40 C.F.R. § 63 app Table 15 to Subpart G of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 15 to Subpart G of Part 63 - Wastewater-Information on Table 8 and/or Table 9 Compounds To Be Submitted With Notification of Compliance Status for Process Units at New and/or Existing Sources [a b]

Process unit identification codecStream identification codeConcentration of table 8 and/or table 9 compound(s) (ppmw)d eFlow rate (lpm)e fGroup 1 or Group 2gCompliance approachhTreatment process(es) identificationiWaste management unit(s) identificationIntended control device

a The information specified in this table must be submitted; however, it may be submitted in any format. This table presents an example format.

b Other requirements for the NCS are specified in § 63.152(b) of this subpart.

c Also include a description of the process unit (e.g., benzene process unit).

d Except when § 63.132(e) is used, annual average concentration as specified in § 63.132 (c) or (d) and § 63.144 .

e When § 63.132(e) is used, indicate the wastewater stream is a designated Group 1 wastewater stream.

f Except when § 63.132(e) is used, annual average flow rate as specified in § 63.132 (c) or (d) and in § 63.144 .

g Indicate whether stream is Group 1 or Group 2. If Group 1, indica0te whether it is Group 1 for Table 8 or Table 9 compounds or for both Table 8 and Table 9 compounds.

h Cite § 63.138 compliance option used.

40 C.F.R. 63 app Table 15 to Subpart G of Part 63