40 C.F.R. § 63.102

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 63.102 - [Effective until 7/15/2024] General standards
(a) Owners and operators of sources subject to this subpart shall comply with the requirements of subparts G and H of this part.
(1) The provisions set forth in this subpart F and subpart G of this part shall apply at all times except during periods of start-up or shutdown (as defined in § 63.101 of this subpart), malfunction, or non-operation of the chemical manufacturing process unit (or specific portion thereof) resulting in cessation of the emissions to which this subpart F and subpart G of this part apply. However, if a start-up, shutdown, malfunction or period of non-operation of one portion of a chemical manufacturing process unit does not affect the ability of a particular emission point to comply with the specific provisions to which it is subject, then that emission point shall still be required to comply with the applicable provisions of this subpart F and subpart G of this part during the start-up, shutdown, malfunction or period of non-operation. For example, if there is an overpressure in the reactor area, a storage vessel in the chemical manufacturing process unit would still be required to be controlled in accordance with § 63.119 of subpart G of the part. Similarly, the degassing of a storage vessel would not affect the ability of a process vent to meet the requirements of § 63.113 of subpart G of this part.
(2) The provisions set forth in subpart H of this part shall apply at all times except during periods of start-up or shutdown, as defined in § 63.101(b) of this subpart, malfunction, process unit shutdown (as defined in § 63.161 of subpart H of this part), or non-operation of the chemical manufacturing process unit (or specific portion thereof) in which the lines are drained and depressurized resulting in cessation of the emissions to which subpart H of this part applies.
(3) The owner or operator shall not shut down items of equipment that are required or utilized for compliance with the provisions of this subpart F, subpart G or H of this part during times when emissions (or, where applicable, wastewater streams or residuals) are being routed to such items of equipment, if the shutdown would contravene requirements of this subpart F, subpart G or H of this part applicable to such items of equipment. This paragraph does not apply if the item of equipment is malfunctioning, or if the owner or operator must shut down the equipment to avoid damage due to a contemporaneous start-up, shutdown, or malfunction of the chemical manufacturing process unit or portion thereof.
(4) During start-ups, shutdowns, and malfunctions when the requirements of this subpart F, subparts G and/or H of this part do not apply pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section, the owner or operator shall implement, to the extent reasonably available, measures to prevent or minimize excess emissions to the extent practical. The general duty to minimize emissions during a period of startup, shutdown, or malfunction does not require the owner or operator to achieve emission levels that would be required by the applicable standard at other times if this is not consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices, nor does it require the owner or operator to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels required by the applicable standard have been achieved. Determination of whether such operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Administrator which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures (including the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan required in § 63.6(e)(3) ), review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. The measures to be taken may include, but are not limited to, air pollution control technologies, recovery technologies, work practices, pollution prevention, monitoring, and/or changes in the manner of operation of the source. Back-up control devices are not required, but may be used if available.
(b) If, in the judgment of the Administrator, an alternative means of emission limitation will achieve a reduction in organic HAP emissions at least equivalent to the reduction in organic HAP emissions from that source achieved under any design, equipment, work practice, or operational standards in subpart G or H of this part, the Administrator will publish in the FEDERAL REGISTER a notice permitting the use of the alternative means for purposes of compliance with that requirement.
(1) The notice may condition the permission on requirements related to the operation and maintenance of the alternative means.
(2) Any notice under paragraph (b) of this section shall be published only after public notice and an opportunity for a hearing.
(3) Any person seeking permission to use an alternative means of compliance under this section shall collect, verify, and submit to the Administrator information showing that the alternative means achieves equivalent emission reductions.
(c) Each owner or operator of a source subject to this subpart shall obtain a permit under 40 CFR Part 70 or part 71 from the appropriate permitting authority by the date determined by 40 CFR part 70 or part 71, as appropriate.
(1) If the EPA has approved a State operating permit program under 40 CFR Part 70, the permit shall be obtained from the State authority. If the State operating permit program has not been approved, the source shall apply to the EPA Regional Office.
(2) [Reserved]
(d) The requirements in subparts F, G, and H of this part are Federally enforceable under section 112 of the Act on and after the dates specified in § 63.100(k) of this subpart.

40 C.F.R. §63.102

59 FR 19454, Apr. 22, 1994, as amended at 60 FR 63626, Dec. 12, 1995; 61 FR 64575, Dec. 5, 1996; 62 FR 2732, Jan. 17, 1997; 71 FR 20455, Apr. 20, 2006