40 C.F.R. § 63.1662-63 app Table 2b to Subpart EEEE of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 2b to Subpart EEEE of Part 63 - Emission Limits For Storage Tanks At Certain Existing Affected Sources

As stated in § 63.2346(a)(5) , beginning no later than the compliance dates specified in § 63.2342(e) , the requirements in this Table 2b to this subpart apply to storage tanks at an existing affected source in lieu of the requirements in Table 2 to this subpart, item 1 for storage tanks at an existing affected source.

If you own or operate . . .And if . . .Then you must . . .
1. A storage tank at an existing affected source with a capacity [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]18.9 cubic meters (5,000 gallons) and [LESS THAN]75.7 cubic meters (20,000 gallons)a. The stored organic liquid is not crude oil or condensate and if the annual average true vapor pressure of the total Table 1 organic HAP in the stored organic liquid is [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]27.6 kilopascals (4.0 psia)i. Reduce emissions of total organic HAP (or, upon approval, TOC) by at least 95 weight-percent or, as an option, to an exhaust concentration less than or equal to 20 ppmv, on a dry basis corrected to 3- percent oxygen for combustion devices using supplemental combustion air, by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a flare meeting the requirements of §§ 63.983 and 63.2380 , or by venting emissions through a closed vent system to any combination of nonflare control devices meeting the applicable requirements of subpart SS of this part and § 63.2346(l) ; OR.
ii. Comply with the work practice standards specified in Table 4 to this subpart, items 1.a, 1.b, or 1.c for tanks storing liquids described in that table.
b. The stored organic liquid is crude oil or condensatei. See the requirement in item 1.a.i or ii of this table.
2. A storage tank at an existing affected source with a capacity [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]75.7 cubic meters (20,000 gallons) and [LESS THAN]151.4 cubic meters (40,000 gallons)a. The stored organic liquid is not crude oil or condensate and if the annual average true vapor pressure of the total Table 1 organic HAP in the stored organic liquid is [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]13.1 kilopascals (1.9 psia)i. See the requirement in item 1.a.i or ii of this table.
b. The stored organic liquid is crude oil or condensatei. See the requirement in item 1.a.i or ii of this table.
3. A storage tank at an existing affected source with a capacity [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]151.4 cubic meters (40,000 gallons) and [LESS THAN]189.3 cubic meters (50,000 gallons)a. The stored organic liquid is not crude oil or condensate and if the annual average true vapor pressure of the total Table 1 organic HAP in the stored organic liquid is [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]5.2 kilopascals (0.75 psia)i. See the requirement in item 1.a.i or ii of this table.
b. The stored organic liquid is crude oil or condensatei. See the requirement in item 1.a.i or ii of this table.

40 C.F.R. 63.1662-63 app Table 2b to Subpart EEEE of Part 63

85 FR 40775, July 7, 2020
85 FR 40775, 7/7/2020