40 C.F.R. § 63.1662-63 app Table 9 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 9 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63 - Requirements for Reports

You must submit a(n) . . .The report must contain . . .You must submit the report . . .
(1) Compliance reportThe information in § 63.2281(c) through (g) Semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.2281(b) .
(2) Immediate startup, shutdown, and malfunction report if you had a startup, shutdown, or malfunction during the reporting period that is not consistent with your SSMP before August 13, 2021.1(i) Actions taken for the event
(ii) The information in § 63.10(d)(5)(ii)
By fax or telephone within 2 working days after starting actions inconsistent with the plan.
By letter within 7 working days after the end of the event unless you have made alternative arrangements with the permitting authority.
(3) Performance test reportThe information required in § 63.7(g) According to the requirements of § 63.2281(i) .
(4) CMS performance evaluation, as required for CEMS under § 63.2269(d)(2) The information required in § 63.7(g) According to the requirements of § 63.2281(j) .

1 The requirement for the SSM report in row 2 of this table does not apply for new or reconstructed affected sources that commenced construction or reconstruction after September 6, 2019.

40 C.F.R. 63.1662-63 app Table 9 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63

85 FR 49465, Aug. 13, 2020
85 FR 49465, 8/13/2020