40 C.F.R. § 63.1662-63 app Table 2 to Subpart BBBBBB of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 2 to Subpart BBBBBB of Part 63 - [Effective until 7/8/2024] Applicability Criteria, Emission Limits, and Management Practices for Loading Racks

If you own or operate . . .Then you must . . .
1. A bulk gasoline terminal loading rack(s) with a gasoline throughput (total of all racks) of 250,000 gallons per day, or greater. Gallons per day is calculated by summing the current day's throughput, plus the throughput for the previous 364 days, and then dividing that sum by 365(a) Equip your loading rack(s) with a vapor collection system designed to collect the TOC vapors displaced from cargo tanks during product loading; and
(b) Reduce emissions of TOC to less than or equal to 80 mg/l of gasoline loaded into gasoline cargo tanks at the loading rack; and
(c) Design and operate the vapor collection system to prevent any TOC vapors collected at one loading rack or lane from passing through another loading rack or lane to the atmosphere; and
(d) Limit the loading of gasoline into gasoline cargo tanks that are vapor tight using the procedures specified in § 60.502(e) through (j) of this chapter. For the purposes of this section, the term "tank truck" as used in § 60.502(e) through (j) of this chapter means "cargo tank" as defined in § 63.11100 .
2. A bulk gasoline terminal loading rack(s) with a gasoline throughput (total of all racks) of less than 250,000 gallons per day. Gallons per day is calculated by summing the current day's throughput, plus the throughput for the previous 364 days, and then dividing that sum by 365(a) Use submerged filling with a submerged fill pipe that is no more than 6 inches from the bottom of the cargo tank; and
(b) Make records available within 24 hours of a request by the Administrator to document your gasoline throughput.

40 C.F.R. 63.1662-63 app Table 2 to Subpart BBBBBB of Part 63

76 FR 4179, Jan. 24, 2011