40 C.F.R. § 63.1662-63 app Table 5 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 5 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63 - Requirements for Performance Tests

As required in § 63.7112 , you must conduct each performance test in the following table that applies to you.

For . . .You must . . .Using . . . According to the following requirements . . .
1. Each lime kiln and each associated lime cooler, if there is a separate exhaust to the atmosphere from the associated lime coolerSelect the location of the sampling port and the number of traverse portsMethod 1 or 1A of appendix A to part 60 of this chapter; and § 63.6(d)(1)(i) Sampling sites must be located at the outlet of the control device(s) and prior to any releases to the atmosphere.
2. Each lime kiln and each associated lime cooler, if there is a separate exhaust to the atmosphere from the associated lime coolerDetermine velocity and volumetric flow rateMethod 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterNot applicable.
3. Each lime kiln and each associated lime cooler, if there is a separate exhaust to the atmosphere from the associated lime coolerConduct gas molecular weight analysisMethod 3, 3A, or 3B in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterYou may use ASME PTC 19.10-1981-Part 10 (available for purchase from Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990) as an alternative to using the manual procedures (but not instrumental procedures) in Method 3B.
4. Each lime kiln and each associated lime cooler, if there is a separate exhaust to the atmosphere from the associated lime coolerMeasure moisture content of the stack gasMethod 4 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterNot applicable.
5. Each lime kiln and each associated lime cooler, if there is a separate exhaust to the atmosphere from the associated lime cooler, and which uses a negative pressure PM control deviceMeasure PM emissionsMethod 5 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterConduct the test(s) when the source is operating at representative operating conditions in accordance with § 63.7(e) before the relevant compliance date for your source as specified in § 63.7083(e) and § 63.7112(b) on and after the relevant compliance date for your source as specified in § 63.7083(e) ; the minimum sampling volume must be 0.85 dry standard cubic meter (dscm) (30 dry standard cubic foot (dscf)); if there is a separate lime cooler exhaust to the atmosphere, you must conduct the Method 5 test of the cooler exhaust concurrently with the kiln exhaust test.
6. Each lime kiln and each associated lime cooler, if there is a separate exhaust to the atmosphere from the associated lime cooler, and which uses a positive pressure FF or ESPMeasure PM emissionsMethod 5D in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterConduct the test(s) when the source is operating at representative operating conditions in accordance with § 63.7(e) before the relevant compliance date for your source as specified in § 63.7083(e) and § 63.7112(b) on and after the relevant compliance date for your source as specified in § 63.7083(e) ; if there is a separate lime cooler exhaust to the atmosphere, you must conduct the Method 5 test of the separate cooler exhaust concurrently with the kiln exhaust test.
7. Each lime kilnDetermine the mass rate of stone feed to the kiln during the kiln PM emissions testAny suitable deviceCalibrate and maintain the device according to manufacturer's instructions; the measuring device used must be accurate to within ±5 percent of the mass rate of stone feed over its operating range.
8. Each lime kiln equipped with a wet scrubberEstablish the operating limit for the average gas stream pressure drop across the wet scrubberData for the gas stream pressure drop measurement device during the kiln PM performance testThe continuous pressure drop measurement device must be accurate within plus or minus 1 percent; you must collect the pressure drop data during the period of the performance test and determine the operating limit according to § 63.7112(j) .
9. Each lime kiln equipped with a wet scrubberEstablish the operating limit for the average liquid flow rate to the scrubberData from the liquid flow rate measurement device during the kiln PM performance testThe continuous scrubbing liquid flow rate measuring device must be accurate within plus or minus 1 percent; you must collect the flow rate data during the period of the performance test and determine the operating limit according to § 63.7112(j) .
10. Each lime kiln equipped with a FF or ESP that is monitored with a PM detectorHave installed and have operating the BLDS or PM detector prior to the performance testStandard operating procedures incorporated into the OM&M planAccording to the requirements in § 63.7113(d) or (e) , respectively.
11. Each lime kiln equipped with a FF or ESP that is monitored with a COMSHave installed and have operating the COMS prior to the performance testStandard operating procedures incorporated into the OM&M plan and as required by 40 CFR part 63, subpart A, General Provisions and according to PS-1 of appendix B to part 60 of this chapter, except as specified in § 63.7113(g)(2) According to the requirements in § 63.7113(g) .
12. Each stack emission from a PSH operation, vent from a building enclosing a PSH operation, or set of multiple storage bins with combined stack emissions, which is subject to a PM emission limitMeasure PM emissionsMethod 5 or Method 17 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterThe sample volume must be at least 1.70 dscm (60 dscf); for Method 5, if the gas stream being sampled is at ambient temperature, the sampling probe and filter may be operated without heaters; and if the gas stream is above ambient temperature, the sampling probe and filter may be operated at a temperature high enough, but no higher than 121 °C (250 °F), to prevent water condensation on the filter (Method 17 may be used only with exhaust gas temperatures of not more than 250 °F).
13. Each stack emission from a PSH operation, vent from a building enclosing a PSH operation, or set of multiple storage bins with combined stack emissions, which is subject to an opacity limitConduct opacity observationsMethod 9 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterThe test duration must be for at least 3 hours and you must obtain at least thirty, 6-minute averages.
14. Each stack emissions source from a PSH operation subject to a PM or opacity limit, which uses a wet scrubberEstablish the average gas stream pressure drop across the wet scrubberData for the gas stream pressure drop measurement device during the PSH operation stack PM performance testThe pressure drop measurement device must be accurate within plus or minus 1 percent; you must collect the pressure drop data during the period of the performance test and determine the operating limit according to § 63.7112(j) .
15. Each stack emissions source from a PSH operation subject to a PM or opacity limit, which uses a wet scrubberEstablish the operating limit for the average liquid flow rate to the scrubberData from the liquid flow rate measurement device during the PSH operation stack PM performance testThe continuous scrubbing liquid flow rate measuring device must be accurate within plus or minus 1 percent; you must collect the flow rate data during the period of the performance test and determine the operating limit according to § 63.7112(j) .
16. Each FF that controls emissions from only an individual, enclosed, new or existing storage binConduct opacity observationsMethod 9 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterThe test duration must be for at least 1 hour and you must obtain ten 6-minute averages.
17. Fugitive emissions from any PSH operation subject to an opacity limitConduct opacity observationsMethod 9 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapterThe test duration must be for at least 3 hours, but the 3-hour test may be reduced to 1 hour if, during the first 1-hour period, there are no individual readings greater than 10 percent opacity and there are no more than three readings of 10 percent during the first 1-hour period.
18. Each building enclosing any PSH operation, that is subject to a VE limitConduct VE checkThe specifications in § 63.7112(k) The performance test must be conducted while all affected PSH operations within the building are operating; the performance test for each affected building must be at least 75 minutes, with each side of the building and roof being observed for at least 15 minutes.

40 C.F.R. 63.1662-63 app Table 5 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63

85 FR 44984, July 24, 2020
85 FR 44984, 7/24/2020