40 C.F.R. § 63.1662-63 app Table 1 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 1 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63 - Emission Limits

As required in § 63.7090(a) , you must meet each emission limit in the following table that applies to you, except for kilns and coolers during startup and shutdown (See Table 2 for emission limits for kilns and coolers during startup and shutdown).

For . . .You must meet the following emission limit
1. Existing lime kilns and their associated lime coolers that did not have a wet scrubber installed and operating prior to January 5, 2004PM emissions must not exceed 0.12 pounds per ton of stone feed (lb/tsf).
2. Existing lime kilns and their associated lime coolers that have a wet scrubber, where the scrubber itself was installed and operating prior to January 5, 2004PM emissions must not exceed 0.60 lb/tsf. If at any time after January 5, 2004 the kiln changes to a dry control system, then the PM emission limit in item 1 of this Table 1 applies, and the kiln is hereafter ineligible for the PM emission limit in item 2 of this Table 1 regardless of the method of PM control.
3. New lime kilns and their associated lime coolersPM emissions must not exceed 0.10 lb/tsf.
4. All existing and new lime kilns and their associated coolers at your LMP, and you choose to average PM emissions, except that any kiln that is allowed to meet the 0.60 lb/tsf PM emission limit is ineligible for averagingWeighted average PM emissions calculated according to Eq. 2 in § 63.7112 must not exceed 0.12 lb/tsf (if you are averaging only existing kilns) or 0.10 lb/tsf (if you are averaging only new kilns). If you are averaging existing and new kilns, your weighted average PM emissions must not exceed the weighted average emission limit calculated according to Eq. 3 in § 63.7112 , except that no new kiln and its associated cooler considered alone may exceed an average PM emissions limit of 0.10 lb/tsf.
5. Stack emissions from all PSH operations at a new or existing affected sourcePM emissions must not exceed 0.05 grams per dry standard cubic meter (g/dscm).
6. Stack emissions from all PSH operations at a new or existing affected source, unless the stack emissions are discharged through a wet scrubber control deviceEmissions must not exceed 7 percent opacity.
7. Fugitive emissions from all PSH operations at a new or existing affected source, except as provided by item 8 of this Table 1Emissions must not exceed 10 percent opacity.
8. All PSH operations at a new or existing affected source enclosed in a buildingAll of the individually affected PSH operations must comply with the applicable PM and opacity emission limitations in items 5 through 7 of this Table 1, or the building must comply with the following: There must be no VE from the building, except from a vent; and vent emissions must not exceed the stack emissions limitations in items 5 and 6 of this Table 1.
9. Each FF that controls emissions from only an individual, enclosed storage binEmissions must not exceed 7 percent opacity.
10. Each set of multiple storage bins at a new or existing affected source, with combined stack emissionsYou must comply with the emission limits in items 5 and 6 of this Table 1.

40 C.F.R. 63.1662-63 app Table 1 to Subpart AAAAA of Part 63

69 FR 416, Jan. 5, 2004, as amended at 85 FR 44982, July 24, 2020