Section 83.2 - AdministrationThe administration of this part is the duty and responsibility of the Director, Personnel, U.S. Government Accountability Office, 441 G Street NW., Washington, D.C. 20548. To this end, the Director, Personnel, in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel, is authorized to issue such supplemental regulations or procedural directives as may be necessary and appropriate.
(a) The Director, Personnel, shall have general responsibility and authority for implementing this part, including -(1) Approving all systems of personnel records to be maintained by GAO (whether physically located in GAO's Office of Personnel or elsewhere), including the contents and uses of such systems, accounting methods, and security methods; and(2) Responding to an individual's request to gain access to or amend his or her own personnel records.(b) The Director, Personnel, may delegate within GAO any of his functions under this part.