37 C.F.R. § 1.502
Citations by the patent owner under § 1.555 and by an ex parte reexamination requester under either § 1.510 or § 1.535 will be entered in the reexamination file during a reexamination proceeding. The entry in the patent file of citations submitted after the date of an order to reexamine pursuant to § 1.525 by persons other than the patent owner, or an ex parte reexamination requester under either § 1.510 or § 1.535 , will be delayed until the reexamination proceeding has been concluded by the issuance and publication of a reexamination certificate. See § 1.902 for processing of prior art citations in patent and reexamination files during an inter partes reexamination proceeding filed under § 1.913 .
37 C.F.R. §1.502
Part 2 is placed in the separate grouping of parts pertaining to trademarks regulations.
Part 6 is placed in the separate grouping of parts pertaining to trademarks regulations.
Part 7 is placed in the separate grouping of parts pertaining to trademarks regulations.
Part 1 is placed in the separate grouping of parts pertaining to patents regulations.
Part 3 pertaining to both patents and trademarks is placed in the grouping pertaining to patents regulations.
Part 4 is placed in the separate grouping of parts pertaining to patents regulations.
Part 5 is placed in the separate grouping of parts pertaining to patents regulations.