- Section 300.121 - Procedural safeguards
- Section 300.122 - Evaluation
- Section 300.123 - Confidentiality of personally identifiable information
- Section 300.124 - Transition of children from the Part C program to preschool programs
- Section 300.125-300.128 - Reserved
- Section 300.155 - Hearings relating to LEA eligibility
- Section 300.156 - Personnel qualifications
- Section 300.157 - Performance goals and indicators
- Section 300.158-300.159 - Reserved
- Section 300.160 - Participation in assessments
- Section 300.161 - Reserved
- Section 300.162 - Supplementation of State, local, and other Federal funds
- Section 300.163 - Maintenance of State financial support
- Section 300.164 - Waiver of requirement regarding supplementing and not supplanting with Part B funds
- Section 300.165 - Public participation
- Section 300.166 - Rule of construction