33 C.F.R. § 166.500

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 166.500 - Areas along the Atlantic Coast
(a)Purpose. Fairways, as described in this section are established to control the erection of structures therein to provide safe vessel routes along the Atlantic Coast.
(b)Designated Areas -(1) Off New York Shipping Safety Fairway.
(i) Ambrose to Nantucket Safety Fairway. The area enclosed by rhumb lines, [North American Datum of 1927 (NAD-27)] joining points at:

Latitude Longitude
40°32'20" N73°04'57" W
40°30'58" N72°58'25" W
40°34'07" N70°19'23" W
40°35'37" N70°14'09" W
40°30'37" N70°14'00" W
40°32'07" N70°19'19" W
40°28'58" N72°58'25" W
40°27'20" N73°04'57" W

(ii)Nantucket to Ambrose Safety Fairway. The area enclosed by rhumb lines, NAD-27, joining point at:

Latitude Longitude
28°54'33" N89°26'07" W
40°24'20" N73°04'58" W
40°22'58" N72°58'26" W
40°26'07" N70°19'09" W
40°27'37" N70°13'46" W
40°22'37" N70°13'36" W
40°24'07" N70°19'05" W
40°20'58" N72°58'26" W
40°19'20" N73°04'58" W

33 C.F.R. §166.500

CGD 84-004, 52 FR 33589, Sept. 4, 1987; 52 FR 36248, Sept. 28, 1987