33 C.F.R. § 138.90

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 138.90 - Renewing COFRs
(a) The COFR Operator must submit a request for COFR renewal to the NPFC at least 21 days, but no earlier than 90 days, before the expiration date of the current COFR.
(b) The COFR Operator may seek an exception to the 21-day request for COFR renewal submission deadline in paragraph (a) of this section only as provided in § 138.60(e)(3) .
(c) The COFR Operator must identify in the request for COFR renewal all changes to the information contained in the initial Application, including the gross ton measurement system(s) used (if not previously provided), the evidence of financial responsibility, and all other supporting documentation previously submitted to the Director, as provided in § 138.150 .

33 C.F.R. §138.90

86 FR 68123 , 1/3/2022