32 C.F.R. § 623 app H to Part 623

Current through November 30, 2024
Appendix H to Part 623 - References

AR 1-4 Deployment of DA Resources in Support of the US Secret Service.

AR 15-17 Army Representation on Office of Preparedness; General Service Administration (OP/GSA) Regional Field Boards in Crisis Management Operations.

AR 28-19 Department of the Army Domestic Action Program.

AR 34-1 United States Army Participation in International Military Rationalization/Standardization/Interoperability (RSI) Programs.

AR 37-27 Accounting Policy and Procedures for Intragovernment, Intradefense; and Intra-Army Transactions.

AR 37-44 Accounting Procedures for Guaranteed Loans.

AR 37-48 Accounting and Reporting for Materiel, Services, and Facilities Furnished Allied Governments and International Organizations Under Emergency or Combat Conditions.

AR 37-60 Pricing for Materiel and Services.

AR 37-111 Working Capital Funds-Army Stock Fund; Uniform Policies, Principles, and Procedures Governing Army Stock Fund Operations.

AR 58-1 Management acquisition and use of administration use motor vehicles.

AR 130-44 Logistical Policies for Support.

AR 190-11 Physical Security of Weapons, Ammunition, and Explosives.

AR 190-49 Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives In-Transit.

AR 210-55 Funding Support for Morale, Welfare and Recreational Programs, and Facilities.

AR 230-1 The Nonappropriated Fund System.

AR 350-7 Training and Evaluation of Forces for Civil Disturbances.

AR 360-61 Army Information-Community Relations.

AR 500-1 Aircraft Piracy Emergencies.

AR 500-2 Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations.

AR 500-50 Civil Disturbances.

AR 500-60 Disaster Relief.

AR 500-70 Military Support of Civil Defense.

AR 525-90 Wartime Search and Rescue (SAR) Procedures.

AR 700-32 Logistic Support of US Nongovernmental, Nonmilitary Agencies, and Individuals in Oversea Military Commands.

AR 700-49 Loan of DSA Stock Fund Materiel.

AR 700-83 Army Support of United Seamen's Service.

AR 710-1 Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System.

AR 710-2 Materiel Management for Using Units, Support Units, and Installations.

AR 725-1 Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment-Special Authorization and Procedures for Issues, Sales, and Loans.

AR 725-50 Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System.

AR 735-5 Property Accountability-General Principles, Policies, and Basic Procedures.

AR 735-11 Accounting for Lost, Damaged, and Destroyed Property.

AR 795-25 Policies, Responsibilities, and Principles for Supply Support Arrangements.

AR 795-204 Policies and Procedures for Furnishing Defense Articles and Services on a Sale or Loan Basis.

AR 870-15 Historical Activities, Army Art Collection.

AR 870-20 Historical Activities, Historical Properties and Museums.

AR 920-15 National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Office of Director of Civilian Marksmanship.

AR 920-20 Civilian Marksmanship-Promotion of Practice with Rifled Arms.

AR 920-25 Rifles M14M and M14N for Civilian Marksmanship Use.

AR 930-5 Service Organizations-American National Red Cross Service Program and Army Utilization.

FM 20-150 Combatives.

MOU, 25 Apr 75, between DOD and Department of Agriculture and the Interior.

MOU, 24 Jun 75, between DOD and the American National Red Cross for Military Support.

32C.F.R. 623 app H to Part 623