32 C.F.R. § 516 app A to Part 516

Current through August 31, 2024
Appendix A to Part 516 - References

Publications referenced in this part can be obtained at the National Technical Information Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.

Required Publications

AR 25-55, The Department of the Army Freedom of Information Act Program. (Cited in §§ 516.40 , 516.72 )

AR 27-10, Military Justice. (Cited in § 516.4 )

AR 27-20, Claims. (Cited in §§ 516.4 , 516.33 , 516.22 )

AR 27-60, Patents, Inventions, and Copyrights.

AR 37-60, Pricing for Material and Services. (Cited in § 516.43 .)

AR 37-103, Finance and Accounting for Installations: Disbursing Operations. (Cited in § 516.22 .)

AR 60-20, Operating Policies. (Cited in § 516.22 .)

AR 190-9, Absentee Deserter Apprehension Program and Surrender of Military Personnel to Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies. (Cited in § 516.9 )

AR 210-47, State and Local Taxation of Lessee's Interest in Wherry Act Housing (Title VIII of the National Housing Act).

AR 215-1, Administration of Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities. (Cited in § 516.22 .)

AR 215-2, The Management and Operation of Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities. (Cited in § 516.22 .)

AR 310-1, Publications, Blank Forms, and Printing Management.

AR 340-21, The Army Privacy Program. (Cited in §§ 516.40 , 516.72 .)

AR 380-5, Department of the Army Information Security Program.

AR 405-25, Annexation. (Cited in § 516.22 .)

AR 630-5, Leaves and Passes. (Cited in §§ 516.55 , 516.77 , 516.78 .)

AR 630-10, Absence Without Leave, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Proceedings. (Cited in § 516.9 )

Related Publications

A related publication is merely a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand the regulation.

AR 20-1, Inspector General Activities and Procedures. (Cited in §§ 516.41 , 516.72 .)

AR 27-1, Judge Advocate Legal Service.

AR 27-3, Legal Assistance. (Cited in § 516.6 .)

AR 27-10, Military Justice. (Cited in §§ 516.4 , 516.5 , 516.15 .)

AR 27-50, Status of Forces Policies, Procedures, and Information. (Cited in § 516.15 .)

AR 37-104-3, Military Pay and Allowances Procedures.

AR 37-105, Finance and Accounting for Installations: Civilian Pay Procedures.

AR 55-19, Marine Casualties. (Cited in § 516.22 .)

AR 190-29, Misdemeanors and Uniform Violation Notices Referred to U.S. Magistrates or District Courts.

AR 190-40, Serious Incident Report. (Cited in § 516.15 .)

AR 210-50, Family Housing Management. (Cited in § 516.37 .)

AR 335-15, Management Information Control System. (Cited in § 516.15 .)

AR 600-40, Apprehension, Restraint, and Release to Civil Authorities.

AR 600-50, Standards of Conduct for Department of the Army Personnel.

AR 690-700, Personnel Relations and Services. (Cited in § 516.70 .)

Prescribed Form

DA Form 4, Department of the Army Certification for Authentication of Records. (Prescribed in § 516.25 , 516.35 .)

Referenced Forms

DA Form 2631-R, Medical Care-Third Party Liability Notification.

DA Form 3154, MSA Invoice and Receipt.

32 C.F.R. 516 app A to Part 516