Current through November 30, 2024
It is DoD policy that:
(a) Individuals who have regular contact with children under 18 years of age in DoD-sanctioned child care services programs will undergo a criminal history background check in order to protect the health, safety and well-being of children in such programs.(b) All individuals who have regular contact with children under 18 years of age in DoD-sanctioned child care services programs and who also have a current or prior DoD affiliation must also undergo an IRC.(c) DoD Component heads are delegated the authority to make suitability determinations and take subsequent actions in cases involving applicants and appointees to covered positions as defined by 5 CFR 731.101 , subject to the conditions in 5 CFR 731.103 . This authority may be further delegated to authorized management officials, in writing, in accordance with volume 731 of DoD Instruction 1400.25. (1) The DoD Consolidated Adjudications Facility is responsible for making favorable suitability determinations for civilian personnel in accordance with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel and Policy Memorandum, "Responsibilities Under the Department of Defense Suitability and Fitness Adjudications for Civilians Employees Programs," August 26, 2013.(d) Suitability and fitness determinations for individuals subject to this part will follow the guidance of Volume 731 of DoD Instruction 1400.25 for APF employees and Subchapter 1403 of DoD Instruction 1400.25 for NAF employees. Suitability and fitness are to be applied for the child care worker population in accordance with Volume 731 of DoD Instruction 1400.25 for appropriated fund employees in covered positions as defined by 5 CFR part 731.(e) Individuals who have received a favorable interim suitability or fitness determination based on the FBI criminal history background check are permitted to work under LOSS pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 13041(b)(3) .