Section 103.5 - Responsibilities(a) In accordance with the authority in DoD policy (see paragraph (t) of Appendix A to this part), the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) shall: (1) Develop overall policy and provide oversight for the DoD SAPR Program, except legal processes in the UCMJ and criminal investigative matters assigned to the Judge Advocates General of the Military Departments, the Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and IG DoD, respectively.(2) Develop strategic program guidance, joint planning objectives, standard terminology, and identify legislative changes needed to ensure the future availability of resources in support of DoD SAPR policies.(3) Develop metrics to measure compliance and effectiveness of SAPR training, awareness, prevention, and response policies and programs. Analyze data and make recommendations regarding the SAPR policies and programs to the Secretaries of the Military Departments.(4) Monitor compliance with this part and internal policy (see paragraph (c) of Appendix A to this part), and coordinate with the Secretaries of the Military Departments regarding Service SAPR policies.(5) Collaborate with Federal and State agencies that address SAPR issues and serve as liaison to them as appropriate. Strengthen collaboration on sexual assault policy matters with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on the issues of providing high quality and accessible health care and benefits to victims of sexual assault.(6) Oversee the DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO). Serving as the DoD single point of authority, accountability, and oversight for the SAPR program, SAPRO provides recommendations to the USD(P&R) on the issue of DoD sexual assault policy matters on prevention, response, and oversight. The SAPRO Director will be appointed from among general or flag officers of the Military Services or DoD employees in a comparable Senior Executive Service position in accordance with Public Law 112-81 , "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012." The SAPRO Director is responsible for: (i) Implementing and monitoring compliance with DoD sexual assault policy on prevention and response, except for legal processes in accordance with paragraph (kk) of Appendix A to this part and Public Law 114-92 , "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016," and criminal investigative matters assigned to the Judge Advocates General of the Military Departments, the Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and IG DoD, respectively.(ii) Providing technical assistance to the Heads of the DoD Components in addressing matters concerning SAPR.(iii) Acquiring quarterly and annual SAPR data from the Military Services, assembling annual congressional reports involving persons covered by this part and DoD Instruction 6495.02, and consulting with and relying on the Judge Advocates General of the Military Departments and the Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps in questions concerning disposition results of sexual assault cases in their respective Departments.(iv) Establishing reporting categories and monitoring specific goals included in the annual SAPR assessments of each Military Service, in their respective Departments.(v) Overseeing the creation, implementation, maintenance, and function of the DSAID, an integrated database that will meet congressional reporting requirements, support Service SAPR Program management, and inform DoD SAPRO oversight activities.(vi) Overseeing development of strategic program guidance and joint planning objectives for resources in support of the SAPR Program, and making recommendations on modifications to policy, law, and regulations needed to ensure the continuing availability of such resources (Pub. L. 113-66 ).(b) The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD(HA)), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), shall advise the USD(P&R) on DoD sexual assault healthcare policies, clinical practice guidelines, related procedures, and standards governing DoD healthcare programs for victims of sexual assault. The ASD(HA) shall:(1) Direct that all sexual assault patients be given priority, so that they shall be treated as emergency cases.(2) Require standardized, timely, accessible, and comprehensive medical care at MTFs for eligible persons who are sexually assaulted.(3) Require that medical care be consistent with established community standards for the healthcare of sexual assault victims and the collection of forensic evidence from victims. For further information see paragraphs (h) and (ff) of Appendix A to this part.(4) Establish guidance for medical personnel that requires a SARC or SAPR VA to be called in for every incident of sexual assault for which treatment is sought at the MTFs, regardless of the reporting option.(c) The Director of Department of Defense Human Resources Activity (DoDHRA), under the authority, direction, and control of USD(P&R), shall provide operational support to the USD(P&R) as outlined in paragraph (a)(6) of this section.(d) The General Counsel of the DoD (GC DoD) shall provide legal advice and assistance on all legal matters, including the review and coordination of all proposed issuances and exceptions to policy and the review of all legislative proposals, affecting mission and responsibilities of the DoD SAPRO.(e) The Inspector General of the Department of Defense (IG DoD) shall: (1) Develop and oversee the promulgation of criminal investigative and law enforcement policy regarding sexual assault and establish guidelines for the collection and preservation of evidence with non-identifiable personal information on the victim, for the Restricted Reporting process, in coordination with the ASD(HA).(2) Oversee criminal investigations of sexual assault conducted by the DoD Components.(3) Collaborate with the DoD SAPRO in the development of investigative policy in support of sexual assault prevention and response.(f) The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall: (1) Establish departmental policies and procedures to implement the SAPR Program consistent with the provisions of this part to include the military academies within their cognizance; monitor departmental compliance with this part and DoD internal policy. For further information see paragraph (c) of Appendix A to this part.(2) Coordinate all Military Service SAPR policy changes with the USD(P&R).(3) In coordination with the USD(P&R), implement recommendations regarding Military Service compliance and effectiveness of SAPR training, awareness, prevention, and response policies and programs.(4) Align Service SAPR strategic plans with the DoD SAPR Strategic Plan.(5) Align Service prevention strategies with the DoD Sexual Assault Prevention Strategy.(6) Utilize the terms "Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)" and "SAPR Victim Advocate (VA)," as defined in this part as standard terms to facilitate communications and transparency regarding sexual assault response capacity.(7) Establish the position of the SARC to serve as the SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT for ensuring that sexual assault victims receive appropriate and responsive care. The SARC should be a Service member, DoD civilian employee, or National Guard technician.(8) Direct that the SARC or a SAPR VA be immediately called in every incident of sexual assault on a military installation. There will be situations where a sexual assault victim receives medical care and a SAFE outside of a military installation through an MOU or MOA with a local private or public sector entity. In these cases, the MOU or MOA will require that a SARC be notified as part of the MOU or MOA.(9) Sexual assault victims shall be offered the assistance of a SARC and/or SAPR VA who has been credentialed by the D-SAACP. For further information see paragraph (w) of Appendix A to this part.(10) Establish and codify Service SAPR Program support to Combatant Commands and Defense Agencies, either as a host activity or in a deployed environment.(11) Provide SAPR Program and obligation data to the USD(P&R), as required.(12) Submit required data to DSAID. Require confirmation that a multi-disciplinary CMG tracks each open Unrestricted Report, is chaired by the installation commander (or the deputy installation commander), and that CMG meetings are held monthly for reviewing all Unrestricted Reports of sexual assaults. For further information see paragraph (c) of Appendix A to this part.(13) Provide annual reports of sexual assaults involving persons covered by this part and DoD Instruction 6495.02 to the DoD SAPRO for consolidation into the annual report to Congress in accordance with section 577 of Public Law 108-375 .(14) Provide data connectivity, or other means, to authorized users to ensure all sexual assaults reported in theater and other joint environments are incorporated into the DSAID, or authorized interfacing systems for the documentation of reports of sexual assault, as required by section 563 of Public Law 110-417 .(15) Ensure that Service data systems used to report case-level sexual assault information into the DSAID are compliant with DoD data reporting requirements, pursuant to section 563 of Public Law 110-417 .(16) Require extensive, continuing in-depth SAPR training for DoD personnel and specialized SAPR training for commanders, senior enlisted leaders, SARCs, SAPR VAs, investigators, law enforcement officials, chaplains, healthcare personnel, and legal personnel. For further information see paragraph (c) of Appendix A to this part.(17) Require the installation SARC and the installation FAP staff to coordinate together when a sexual assault occurs as a result of domestic abuse or domestic violence or involves child abuse to ensure the victim is directed to FAP.(18) Oversee sexual assault training within the DoD law enforcement community.(19) Direct that Service military criminal investigative organizations require their investigative units to communicate with their servicing SARC and participate with the multi-disciplinary CMG. For further information see paragraph (c) of Appendix A to this part.(20) Establish procedures to ensure that, in the case of a general or special court-martial the trial counsel causes each qualifying victim to be notified of the opportunity to receive a copy of the record of trial (not to include sealed materials, unless approved by the presiding military judge or appellate court, classified information, or other portions of the record the release of which would unlawfully violate the privacy interests of any party, and without a requirement to include matters attached to the record under Rule for Courts-Martial (R.C.M.) 1103(b)(3) in U.S. Department of Defense, "Manual for Courts-Martial, United States"). A qualifying alleged victim is an individual named in a specification alleging an offense under Articles 120, 120b, 120c, or 125 of the UCMJ (10 U.S.C. 920 , 920b , 920c , or 925 ), or any attempt to commit such offense in violation of Article 80 of the UCMJ (10 U.S.C. 880 ), if the court-martial resulted in any finding to that specification. If the alleged victim elects to receive a copy of the record of proceedings, it shall be provided without charge and within a timeframe designated by regulations of the Military Department concerned. The victim shall be notified of the opportunity to receive the record of the proceedings in accordance with R.C.M. 1103(g)(3)(C) in U.S. Department of Defense, "Manual for Courts-Martial, United States".(21) Require that a completed DD Form 2701, "Initial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime," be distributed to the victim. (DD Form 2701 is located at the DoD Forms Management Program website at and in DoD Instruction 1030.2). For further information see paragraph (n) of Appendix A to this part.(22) When drafting MOUs or MOAs with local civilian medical facilities to provide DoD-reimbursable healthcare (to include psychological care) and forensic examinations for Service members and TRICARE eligible sexual assault victims, require commanders to include the following provisions: (i) Local private or public sector providers notify the SARC or SAPR VA.(ii) Local private or public sector providers shall have processes and procedures in place to assess that local community standards meet or exceed those set forth in U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, "A National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations, Adults/Adolescents," current version as a condition of the MOUs or MOAs.(23) Comply with collective bargaining obligations, if applicable.(24) Provide SAPR training and education for civilian employees of the military departments in accordance with section 585 of Public Law 112-81 .(25) Require the SARCs and SAPR VAs to collaborate with designated Special Victim Investigation and Prosecution (SVIP) Capability personnel during all stages of the investigative and military justice process to ensure an integrated capability to the greatest extent possible. For further information see paragraphs (bb) and (cc) of Appendix A to this part.