30 C.F.R. § 586.113

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 586.113 - Definitions

Terms used in this part have the meanings as defined in this section:

Affected local government means with respect to any activities proposed, conducted, or approved under this part, any locality-

(1) That is, or is proposed to be, the site of gathering, transmitting, or distributing electricity or other energy product, or is otherwise receiving, processing, refining, or transshipping product, or services derived from activities approved under this part;
(2) That is used, or is proposed to be used, as a support base for activities approved under this part; or
(3) In which there is a reasonable probability of significant effect on land or water uses from activities approved under this part.

Affected State means with respect to any activities proposed, conducted, or approved under this part, any coastal State-

(1) That is, or is proposed to be, the site of gathering, transmitting, or distributing energy or is otherwise receiving, processing, refining, or transshipping products, or services derived from activities approved under this part;
(2) That is used, or is scheduled to be used, as a support base for activities approved under this part; or
(3) In which there is a reasonable probability of significant effect on land or water uses from activities approved under this part.

Alternate Use refers to the energy- or marine-related use of an existing OCS facility for activities not otherwise authorized by this part.

Alternate Use RUE means a right-of-use and easement issued for activities authorized under this part.

Archaeological resource means any material remains of human life or activities that are at least 50 years of age and that are of archaeological interest (i.e., which are capable of providing scientific or humanistic understanding of past human behavior, cultural adaptation, and related topics through the application of scientific or scholarly techniques, such as controlled observation, contextual measurement, controlled collection, analysis, interpretation, and explanation).

BOEM means Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of the Department of the Interior.

BSEE means Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement of the Department of the Interior.

Decommissioning means removing BOEM and BSEE approved facilities and returning the site of the grant to a condition that meets the requirements of this part.

Director means the Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), of the Department of the Interior, or an official authorized to act on the Director's behalf.

Facility means an installation that is permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed of the OCS. Facilities include any structures; devices; appurtenances; gathering, transmission, and distribution cables; pipelines; and permanently moored vessels. Any group of OCS installations interconnected with walkways, or any group of installations that includes a central or primary installation with one or more satellite or secondary installations, is a single facility. BOEM and BSEE may decide that the complexity of the installations justifies their classification as separate facilities.

Governor means the Governor of a State or the person or entity lawfully designated by or under State law to exercise the powers granted to a Governor.

Grant means an alternate use right-of-use and easement issued under the provisions of this part.

Human environment means the physical, social, and economic components, conditions, and factors that interactively determine the state, condition, and quality of living conditions, employment, and health of those affected, directly or indirectly, by activities occurring on the OCS.

Lease means an agreement authorizing the use of a designated portion of the OCS for activities allowed under 30 CFR part 585. The term also means the area covered by that agreement, when the context requires.

Lessee means the holder of a lease, a BOEM-approved assignee, and, when describing the conduct required of parties engaged in activities on the lease, it also refers to the operator and all persons authorized by the holder of the lease or operator to conduct activities on the lease.

Income, unless clearly specified to the contrary, refers to the money received by the project owner or holder of the lease or grant issued under this part. The term does not mean that project receipts exceed project expenses.

Marine environment means the physical, atmospheric, and biological components, conditions, and factors that interactively determine the productivity, state, condition, and quality of the marine ecosystem. These include the waters of the high seas, the contiguous zone, transitional and intertidal areas, salt marshes, and wetlands within the coastal zone and on the OCS.

Natural resources include, without limiting the generality thereof, renewable energy, oil, gas, and all other minerals (as defined in section 2(q) of the OCS Lands Act), and marine animal and marine plant life.

Operator means the individual, corporation, or association having control or management of activities on the grant under this part. The operator may be a grant holder or a contractor designated by the holder of a grant under this part.

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) means all submerged lands lying seaward and outside of the area of lands beneath navigable waters, as defined in section 2 of the Submerged Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1301 ), whose subsoil and seabed appertain to the United States and are subject to its jurisdiction and control.

Person means, in addition to a natural person, an association (including partnerships and joint ventures); a Federal agency; a State; a political subdivision of a State; a Native American Tribal government; or a private, public, or municipal corporation.

Project, for the purposes of defining the source of revenues to be shared, means an Alternate Use RUE on which the activities authorized under this part are conducted on the OCS. The term "project" may be used elsewhere in this rule to refer to these same authorized activities, the facilities used to conduct these activities, or to the geographic area of the project, i.e., the project area.

Project area means the geographic surface leased, or granted, for the purpose of a specific project. If OCS acreage is granted for a project under some form of agreement other than a lease (i.e., a ROW, or RUE, or Alternate Use RUE issued under this part or 30 CFR part 585 ), the Federal acreage granted would be considered the project area.

Renewable Energy means energy resources other than oil and gas and minerals as defined in 30 CFR part 580 . Such resources include, but are not limited to, wind, solar, and ocean waves, tides, and current.

Revenues mean bonuses, rents, operating fees, and similar payments made in connection with a project. It does not include administrative fees such as those assessed for cost recovery, civil penalties, and forfeiture of financial assurance.

Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior or an official authorized to act on the Secretary's behalf.

Significant archaeological resource means an archaeological resource that meets the criteria of significance for eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, as defined in 36 CFR 60.4 or its successor.

We, us, and our refer to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management of the Department of the Interior, or its possessive, depending on the context.

You and your means an applicant, the operator or designated operator of an Alternate Use RUE, or an Alternate Use RUE grant holder under this part, or the designated agent of any of these, or the possessive of each, depending on the context. The terms you and your also include contractors and subcontractors of the entities specified in the preceding sentence.

30 C.F.R. §586.113

88 FR 6468, 1/31/2023