Section 810.700 - Administrative review procedures(a)Initiation of review. Upon receipt from CBP of a notice of a protest filed under 19 U.S.C. 1514 that meets the requirements of the regulations at 19 CFR part 174 and relates to the Department's analysis of the high-wage components of the LVC requirements, the Department will conduct an administrative review of its initial analysis.(b)Procedure for review. Review of the Department's analysis will be conducted by the Administrator, or the Administrator's designee, as the presiding official. When a presiding official is designated by the Administrator, the official must rank higher than the official who issued the decision that is the subject of the protest.(c)Proceeding before an administrative law judge. In any case where the presiding official determines, in the discretion of that official, that it is appropriate, and there exist disputed questions of fact, the presiding official may refer those questions to the Chief Administrative Law Judge for a recommended decision.(1) Upon receipt from the Administrator, the Chief Administrative Law Judge shall designate an administrative law judge to hear the disputed questions of fact.(2) Hearings held under this subpart shall be conducted under the Department's rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings found in 29 CFR part 18.(3) The recommended decision of the administrative law judge shall be issued within 120 days of when the Administrator referred the questions of fact to the Chief Administrative Law Judge, or longer with consent of the parties.(4) The recommended decision shall be limited to a determination of the questions of fact presented by the Administrator, and shall include a statement of findings and recommendations, with reasons and bases therefore, for each question of fact presented by the Administrator.(5) The Administrator shall have discretion to accept or reject the findings of the administrative law judge in full or in part.(d)Scope of review. The presiding official, in a review under paragraph (b) of this section, shall have the discretion to consider any evidence relevant to rendering a determination under this section. In the event that new evidence or a new legal argument is made by the protestor in a review under paragraph (b) of this section, the presiding official may request additional information from the protestor, and/or additional verification by WHD.(e)Time frame for review. The Administrator will strive to issue a decision under this section within 1 year from the date the Administrator receives the notice of protest from CBP. This timeframe does not include the time during which any additional verification or collection of additional information may take place in response, for example, to newly raised issues.(f)Results of review. After considering the relevant evidence and issues, the Administrator shall provide a determination containing the results of the administrative review to CBP.