28 C.F.R. § 79.71

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 79.71 - Filing of claims
(a) All claims for compensation under the Act must be in writing and submitted on a standard claim form designated by the Assistant Director for the filing of compensation claims. Except as specifically provided in this part, the claimant or eligible surviving beneficiary must furnish the medical documentation required by this part with his or her standard form. Except as specifically provided in this part, the claimant or eligible surviving beneficiary must also provide with the standard form any records establishing the claimant's physical presence in an affected area, onsite participation, employment in a uranium mine or mill, or employment as an ore transporter, in accordance with this part. The standard claim form must be completed, signed under oath either by a person eligible to file a claim under the Act or by that person's legal guardian, and mailed with supporting documentation to the following address: Radiation Exposure Compensation Program, U.S. Department of Justice, P.O. Box 146, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044-0146. Copies of the standard form, as well as the regulations, guidelines, and other information, may be obtained by requesting the document or publications from the Assistant Director at that address or by accessing the Program's Web site at http://www.usdoj.gov/civil/reca .
(b) The Assistant Director will file a claim after receipt of the standard form with supporting documentation and examination for substantial compliance with this part. The date of filing shall be recorded by a stamp on the face of the standard form. The Assistant Director shall file only claims that substantially comply with paragraph (a) of this section. If a claim substantially fails to comply with paragraph (a), the Assistant Director shall promptly return the claim unfiled to the sender with a statement identifying the reason(s) why the claim does not comply with this part. The sender may return the claim to the Assistant Director after correcting the deficiencies. For those cases that are filed, the Assistant Director shall promptly acknowledge receipt of the claim with a letter identifying the number assigned to the claim, the date the claim was filed, and the period within which the Assistant Director must act on the claim.
(c) The following persons or their legal guardians are eligible to file claims for compensation under the Act in the following order:
(1) The claimant;
(2) If the claimant is deceased, the spouse of the claimant, provided that he or she was married to the claimant for at least one year immediately prior to the claimant's death;
(3) If there is no surviving spouse or if the spouse is ineligible because he or she was not married to the claimant for at least one year immediately prior to the claimant's death, a child of the claimant;
(4) If there is no eligible surviving spouse and no child, a parent of the claimant;
(5) If there is no eligible surviving spouse and no child or parent, a grandchild of the claimant; or
(6) If there is no eligible surviving spouse and no child, parent or grandchild, a grandparent of the claimant.
(7) Only the beneficiaries listed in this paragraph (c) are eligible to file a claim on behalf of the claimant.
(d) The identity of the claimant must be established by submitting a birth certificate or one of the other documents identified in §79.14(a) when the person has no birth certificate. Additionally, documentation demonstrating any and all name changes must be provided.
(1) The spouse of a claimant must establish his or her eligibility to file a claim by furnishing:
(i) His or her birth certificate and, if applicable, documentation demonstrating any and all name changes;
(ii) The birth and death certificates of the claimant;
(iii) One of the following documents to establish a marriage to the claimant:
(A) The public record of marriage;
(B) A certificate of marriage;
(C) The religious record of marriage; or
(D) A judicial or other governmental determination that a valid marriage existed, such as the final opinion or order of a probate court or a determination of the Social Security Administration that the person filing the claim is the spouse of the decedent;
(iv) A death certificate or divorce decree for each spouse of the claimant (if applicable); and
(v) An affidavit (or declaration under oath on the standard claim form) stating that the spouse was married to the claimant for at least one year immediately prior to the claimant's death.
(2) If the spouse is a member of an Indian Tribe, he or she need not provide any of the documents listed in paragraph (e)(1) of this section at the time the claim is filed (although these records may later be required), but should instead furnish a signed release of private information that the Assistant Director will use to obtain a statement of verification of all of the information listed in paragraph (e)(1) directly from the tribal records custodian. In identifying those individuals eligible to receive compensation by virtue of marriage, relationship, or survivorship, the Assistant Director shall, to the maximum extent practicable, take into consideration and give effect to established law, tradition, and custom of the particular affected Indian Tribe.
(1) A child of a claimant must establish his or her eligibility to file a claim by furnishing:
(i) His or her birth certificate and, if applicable, documentation demonstrating any and all name changes;
(ii) The birth and death certificates of the claimant;
(iii) One of the documents listed in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section to establish each marriage of the claimant (if applicable);
(iv) A death certificate or divorce decree for each spouse of the claimant (if applicable);
(v) A death certificate for each of the other children of the claimant (if applicable);
(vi) An affidavit (or declaration under oath on the standard claim form) stating the following:
(A) That the claimant was never married, or, if the claimant was ever married, the name of each spouse, the date each marriage began and ended, and the date and place of divorce or death of the last spouse of the claimant; and
(B) That the claimant had no other children, or, if the claimant did have other children, the name of each child, the date and place of birth of each child, and the date and place of death or current address of each child; and
(vii) One of the following:
(A) In the case of a natural child, a birth certificate showing that the claimant was the child's parent, or a judicial decree identifying the claimant as the child's parent;
(B) In the case of an adopted child, the judicial decree of adoption; or
(C) In the case of a stepchild, evidence of birth to the spouse of the claimant as outlined in paragraph (f)(1)(vii) of this section, and records reflecting that the stepchild lived with the claimant in a regular parent-child relationship.
(2) If the child is a member of an Indian Tribe, he or she need not provide any of the documents listed in paragraph (f)(1) of this section at the time the claim is filed (although these records may later be required), but should instead furnish a signed release of private information that the Assistant Director will use to obtain a statement of verification of all of the information listed in paragraph (f)(1) directly from the tribal records custodian. In identifying those individuals eligible to receive compensation by virtue of survivorship, the Assistant Director shall, to the maximum extent practicable, take into consideration and give effect to established law, tradition, and custom of the particular affected Indian Tribe.
(1) A parent of a claimant must establish his or her eligibility to file a claim by furnishing:
(i) His or her birth certificate and, if applicable, documentation demonstrating any and all name changes;
(ii) The birth and death certificates of the claimant;
(iii) One of the documents listed in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section to establish each marriage of the claimant (if applicable);
(iv) A death certificate or divorce decree for each spouse of the claimant (if applicable);
(v) A death certificate for each child of the claimant (if applicable);
(vi) A death certificate for the other parent(s) (if applicable);
(vii) An affidavit (or declaration under oath on the standard claim form) stating the following:
(A) That the claimant was never married, or, if the claimant was ever married, the name of each spouse, the date each marriage began and ended, and the date and place of divorce or death of the last spouse of the claimant;
(B) That the claimant had no children, or, if the claimant did have children, the name of each child, the date and place of birth of each child, and the date and place of death of each child; and
(C) The name and address, or date and place of death, of the other parent(s) of the claimant; and
(viii) One of the following:
(A) In the case of a natural parent, a birth certificate showing that the claimant was the parent's child, or a judicial decree identifying the claimant as the parent's child; or
(B) In the case of an adoptive parent, the judicial decree of adoption.
(2) If the parent is a member of an Indian Tribe, he or she need not provide any of the documents listed in paragraph (g)(1) of this section at the time the claim is filed (although these records may later be required), but should instead furnish a signed release of private information that the Assistant Director will use to obtain a statement of verification of all of the information listed in paragraph (g)(1) directly from the tribal records custodian. In identifying those individuals eligible to receive compensation by virtue of survivorship, the Assistant Director shall, to the maximum extent practicable, take into consideration and give effect to established law, tradition, and custom of the particular affected Indian Tribe.
(1) A grandchild of a claimant must establish his or her eligibility to file a claim by furnishing:
(i) His or her birth certificate and, if applicable, documentation demonstrating any and all name changes;
(ii) The birth and death certificates of the claimant;
(iii) One of the documents listed in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section to establish each marriage of the claimant (if applicable);
(iv) A death certificate or divorce decree for each spouse of the claimant (if applicable);
(v) A death certificate for each child of the claimant;
(vi) A death certificate for each parent of the claimant;
(vii) A death certificate for each of the other grandchildren of the claimant (if applicable);
(viii) An affidavit (or declaration under oath on the standard claim form) stating the following:
(A) That the claimant was never married, or, if the claimant was ever married, the name of each spouse, the date each marriage began and ended, and the date and place of divorce or death of the last spouse of the claimant;
(B) The name of each child, the date and place of birth of each child, and the date and place of death of each child;
(C) The names of each parent of the claimant together with the dates and places of death of each parent; and
(D) That the claimant had no other grandchildren, or, if the claimant did have other grandchildren, the name of each grandchild, the date and place of birth of each grandchild, and the date and place of death or current address of each grandchild; and
(ix) One of the following:
(A) In the case of a natural grandchild, a combination of birth certificates showing that the claimant was the grandchild's grandparent;
(B) In the case of an adopted grandchild, a combination of judicial records and birth certificates showing that the claimant was the grandchild's grandparent; or
(C) In the case of a stepgrandchild, evidence of birth to the spouse of the child of the claimant, as outlined in this paragraph (h)(1), and records reflecting that the stepchild lived with a child of the claimant in a regular parent-child relationship; or evidence of birth to the spouse of the stepchild of the claimant or the stepchild of the claimant, as outlined in this paragraph (h)(1), and records reflecting that the stepchild of the claimant lived with the claimant in a regular parent-child relationship.
(2) If the grandchild is a member of an Indian Tribe, he or she need not provide any of the documents listed in paragraph (h)(1) of this section at the time the claim is filed (although these records may later be required), but should instead furnish a signed release of private information that the Assistant Director will use to obtain a statement of verification of all of the information listed in paragraph (h)(1) directly from the tribal records custodian. In identifying those individuals eligible to receive compensation by virtue of survivorship, the Assistant Director shall, to the maximum extent practicable, take into consideration and give effect to established law, tradition, and custom of the particular affected Indian Tribe.
(1) A grandparent of the claimant must establish his or her eligibility to file a claim by furnishing:
(i) His or her birth certificate and, if applicable, documentation demonstrating any and all name changes;
(ii) The birth and death certificates of the claimant;
(iii) One of the documents listed in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section to establish each marriage of the claimant (if applicable);
(iv) A death certificate or divorce decree for each spouse of the claimant (if applicable);
(v) A death certificate for each child of the claimant (if applicable);
(vi) A death certificate for each parent of the claimant;
(vii) A death certificate for each grandchild of the claimant (if applicable);
(viii) A death certificate for each of the other grandparents of the claimant (if applicable);
(ix) An affidavit stating the following:
(A) That the claimant was never married, or if the claimant was ever married, the name of each spouse, the date each marriage began and ended, and the date and place of divorce or death of the last spouse of the claimant;
(B) That the claimant had no children, or, if the claimant did have children, the name of each child, the date and place of birth of each child, and the date and place of death of each child;
(C) The names of each parent of the claimant together with the dates and places of death of each parent;
(D) That the claimant had no grandchildren, or, if the claimant did have grandchildren, the name of each grandchild, the date and place of birth of each grandchild, and the date and place of death of each grandchild; and
(E) The names of all other grandparents of the claimant together with the dates and places of birth of each grandparent, and the dates and places of death of each other grandparent or the current address of each other grandparent; and
(x) One of the following:
(A) In the case of a natural grandparent, a combination of birth certificates showing that the claimant was the grandparent's grandchild;
(B) In the case of an adoptive grandparent, a combination of judicial records and birth certificates showing that the claimant was the grandparent's grandchild.
(2) If the grandparent is a member of an Indian Tribe, he or she need not provide any of the documents listed in paragraph (i)(1) of this section at the time the claim is filed (although these records may later be required), but should instead furnish a signed release of private information that the Assistant Director will use to obtain a statement of verification of all of the information listed in paragraph (i)(1) directly from the tribal records custodian. In identifying those individuals eligible to receive compensation by virtue of survivorship, the Assistant Director shall, to the maximum extent practicable, take into consideration and give effect to established law, tradition, and custom of the particular affected Indian Tribe.
(j) A claim that was filed and denied may be filed again in those cases where the claimant or eligible surviving beneficiary obtains documentation that he or she did not possess when the claim was filed previously and that redresses the deficiency for which the claim was denied, including, where applicable, documentation addressing:
(1) An injury specified in the Act;
(2) Residency in the affected area;
(3) Onsite participation in a nuclear test;
(4) Exposure to 40 WLMs of radiation while employed in a uranium mine or mines during the designated time period;
(5) Employment for one year (12 consecutive or cumulative months) as a miner, miller or ore transporter; or
(6) The identity of the claimant and/or the eligible surviving beneficiary.
(k) A claimant or eligible surviving beneficiary may not refile a claim more than three times. Claims filed prior to July 10, 2000, will not be included in determining the number of claims filed.

28 C.F.R. § 79.71