Subpart R - APPEALS
- Section 1000.420 - What does "Title-I eligible programs" mean in this subpart?
- Section 1000.421 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
- Section 1000.422 - How must disputes be handled?
- Section 1000.423 - Are there any decisions that are not administratively appealable under this subpart?
- Section 1000.424 - Does a Tribe/Consortium have a right to an informal conference to resolve any disputes?
- Section 1000.425 - How does a Tribe/Consortium request an informal conference?
- Section 1000.426 - How is an informal conference held?
- Section 1000.427 - What happens after the informal conference?
- Section 1000.428 - How may a Tribe/Consortium appeal a decision made after the AFA or compact or amendment to an AFA or compact has been signed?
- Section 1000.429 - What statutes and regulations govern resolution of disputes concerning signed AFAs or compacts that are appealed to the CBCA?
- Section 1000.430 - Who handles appeals regarding reassumption for imminent jeopardy?
- Section 1000.431 - Does the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) apply to appeals under this subpart?
- Section 1000.432 - To whom may a Tribe appeal a decision made before the AFA or an amendment to the AFA or compact is signed?
- Section 1000.433 - When and how must a Tribe/Consortium appeal an adverse pre-award decision?
- Section 1000.434 - When must the bureau head (or appropriate Assistant Secretary) issue a final decision in the pre-award appeal?
- Section 1000.435 - When and how will the Assistant Secretary respond to an appeal by a Tribe/Consortium?
- Section 1000.436 - How may a Tribe/Consortium seek reconsideration of the Secretary's decision involving a self-governance compact?
- Section 1000.437 - When will the Secretary respond to a request for reconsideration of a decision involving a self-governance compact?
- Section 1000.438 - May Tribes/Consortia appeal Department decisions to a Federal court?