25 C.F.R. § 103.30

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 103.30 - What standard of care must a lender meet?

Lenders must service all loans guaranteed or insured under the Program in a commercially reasonable manner, in accordance with standards and procedures adopted by prudent lenders in the BIA region in which the borrower's business is located, and in accordance with this part. If the lender fails to follow any of these standards, BIA may reduce or eliminate entirely the amount payable under its guaranty or insurance coverage to the extent BIA can reasonably attribute the loss to the lender's failure. BIA also may deny payment completely if the lender gets a loan guaranty or insurance coverage through fraud, or negligently allows a borrower's fraudulent loan application or use of loan funds to go undetected. In particular, and without limitation, lenders must:

(a) Check and verify information contained in the borrower's loan application, such as the borrower's eligibility, the authority of persons acting on behalf of the borrower, and the title status of any proposed collateral;
(b) Take reasonable precautions to assure that loan proceeds are used as specified in BIA's guaranty certificate or written insurance approval, or if not so specified, then in descending order of importance:
(1) BIA's written loan guaranty approval;
(2) The loan documents;
(3) The terms of the lender's final loan commitment to the borrower; or
(4) The borrower's loan application;
(c) When feasible, require the borrower to use automatic bank account debiting to make loan payments;
(d) Require the borrower to take title to real and personal property purchased with loan proceeds in the borrower's own name, except for real property to be held in trust by the United States for the benefit of a borrower that is a tribe;
(e) Promptly record all security interests and subsequently keep them in effect. Lenders must record all mortgages and other security interests in accordance with State and local law, including the laws of any tribe that may have jurisdiction. Lenders also must record any leasehold mortgages or assignments of income involving individual Indian or tribal trust land with the BIA office having responsibility for maintaining records on that trust land;
(f) Assure, to the extent reasonably practicable, that the borrower and any guarantor of the loan (other than BIA) keep current on all taxes levied on real and personal property used in the borrower's business or as collateral for the loan, and on all applicable payroll taxes;
(g) Assure, to the extent reasonably practicable, that all required insurance policies remain in effect, including hazard, liability, key man life, and other kinds of insurance, in amounts reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the borrower, the borrower's business, and the lender;
(h) Assure, to the extent reasonably practicable, that the borrower remains in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, local and tribal laws, including environmental laws and laws concerning the preservation of historical and archeological sites and data;
(i) Assure, to the extent reasonably practicable, that the borrower causes any construction, renovation, or demolition work funded by the loan to proceed in accordance with approved construction contracts and plans and specifications, which must be sufficient in scope and detail to adequately govern the work;
(j) Reserve for itself and BIA the right to inspect the borrower's business records and all loan collateral at any reasonable time;
(k) Promptly notify the borrower in writing of any material breach by the borrower of the terms of its loan, with specific instructions on how to cure the breach and a deadline for doing so;
(l) Participate in any probate, receivership, bankruptcy, or similar proceeding involving the borrower and any guarantor or co-maker of the borrower's debt, to the extent necessary to maintain the greatest possible rights to repayment; and
(m) Otherwise seek to avoid and mitigate any potential loss arising from the loan, using at least that level of care the lender would use if it did not have a BIA loan guaranty or insurance coverage.

25 C.F.R. § 103.30