25 C.F.R. § 39.2
Act means the No Child Left Behind Act, Public Law 107-110 , enacted January 8, 2002. The No Child Left Behind Act reauthorizes and amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the amended Education Amendments of 1978.
Agency means an organizational unit of the Bureau which provides direct services to the governing body or bodies and members of one or more specified Indian Tribes. The term includes Bureau Area Offices only with respect to off-reservation boarding schools administered directly by such Offices.
Agency school board means a body, the members of which are appointed by the school boards of the schools located within such agency, and the number of such members shall be determined by the Director in consultation with the affected tribes, except that, in agencies serving a single school, the school board of such school shall fulfill these duties.
Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, or his or her designee.
At no cost means provided without charge, but does not preclude incidental fees normally charged to non-disabled students or their parents as a part of the regular education program.
Average Daily Membership (ADM) means the aggregated ISEP-eligible membership of a school for a school year, divided by the number of school days in the school's submitted calendar.
Basic program means the instructional program provided to all students at any age level exclusive of any supplemental programs that are not provided to all students in day or boarding schools.
Basic transportation miles means the daily average of all bus miles logged for round trip home-to-school transportation of day students.
Bureau means the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Department of the Interior.
Bureau-funded school means
Bureau school means a Bureau-operated elementary or secondary day or boarding school or a Bureau-operated dormitory for students attending a school other than a Bureau school.
Count Week means the last full week in September during which schools count their student enrollment for ISEP purposes.
Director means the Director of the Office of Indian Education Programs in the Bureau of Indian Affairs or a designee.
Education Line Officer means the Bureau official in charge of Bureau education programs and functions in an Agency who reports to the Director.
Eligible Indian student means a student who:
Home schooled means a student who is not enrolled in a school and is receiving educational services at home at the parent's or guardian's initiative.
Homebound means a student who is educated outside the classroom.
Individual supplemental services means non-base academic services provided to eligible students. Individual supplemental services that are funded by additional WSUs are gifted and talented or language development services.
ISEP means the Indian School Equalization Program.
Limited English Proficient (LEP) means a child from a language background other than English who needs language assistance in his/her own language or in English in the schools. This child has sufficient difficulty speaking, writing, or understanding English to deny him/her the opportunity to learn successfully in English-only classrooms and meets one or more of the following conditions:
Local School Board means a body chosen in accordance with the laws of the tribe to be served or, in the absence of such laws, elected by the parents of the Indian children attending the school. For a school serving a substantial number of students from different tribes:
OIEP means the Office of Indian Education Programs in the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Physical education means the development of physical and motor fitness, fundamental motor skills and patterns, and skills in aquatics, dance, and individual and group games and sports (including intramural and lifetime sports). The term includes special physical education, adapted physical education, movement education, and motor development.
Resident means a student who is residing at a boarding school or dormitory during the weeks when student membership counts are conducted and is either:
Residential program means a program that provides room and board in a boarding school or dormitory to residents who are either:
Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior or a designated representative.
School means a school funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The term "school" does not include public, charter, or private schools.
School bus means a passenger vehicle that is:
School day means a day as defined by the submitted school calendar, as long as annual instructional hours are as they are reflected in § 39.213 , excluding passing time, lunch, recess, and breaks.
Special education means:
Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate, to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery or instruction:
Three-year average means:
Travel training means providing instruction, as appropriate, to children with significant cognitive disabilities, and any other children with disabilities who require this instruction, to enable them to:
Tribally operated school means an elementary school, secondary school, or dormitory that receives financial assistance for its operation under a contract, grant, or agreement with the Bureau under section 102, 103(a), or 208 of 25 U.S.C. 450 et seq., or under the Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988.
Vocational education means organized educational programs that are directly related to the preparation of individuals for paid or unpaid employment, or for additional preparation for a career requiring other than a baccalaureate or advanced degree.
Unimproved roads means unengineered earth roads that do not have adequate gravel or other aggregate surface materials applied and do not have drainage ditches or shoulders.
Weighted Student Unit means:
25 C.F.R. §39.2