23 C.F.R. § 1200 app C to Part 1200

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix C to Part 1200 - Assurances for Teen Traffic Safety Program

State: _______________________________

Fiscal Year: _______________________________

The State has elected to implement a Teen Traffic Safety Program-a statewide program to improve traffic safety for teen drivers-in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 402(m) .

In my capacity as the Governor's Representative for Highway Safety, I have verified that-

The Teen Traffic Safety Program is a separately described Program Area in the Highway Safety Plan, including a specific description of the strategies and projects, and appears in HSP page number(s) __________________________. as required under 23 U.S.C. 402(m) , the statewide efforts described in the pages identified above include peer-to-peer education and prevention strategies the State will use in schools and communities that are designed to-

o increase seat belt use;

o reduce speeding;

o reduce impaired and distracted driving;

o reduce underage drinking; and

o reduce other behaviors by teen drivers that lead to injuries and fatalities.


Signature Governor's Representative for Highway Safety

Date ____________________


Printed name of Governor's Representative for Highway Safety

23 C.F.R. § 1200 app C to Part 1200