23 C.F.R. § 710.511

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 710.511 - Transportation Alternatives
(a)General.23 U.S.C. 133(h) sets aside an amount from each State's Surface Transportation Block Grant apportionment for Transportation Alternatives (TA). The TA projects that involve the acquisition, management, and disposition of real property, and the relocation of families, individuals, and businesses, are governed by the general requirements of the Federal-aid program found in titles 23 and 49 of the CFR, except as specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(1) Acquisition and relocation activities for TA projects are subject to the Uniform Act.
(2) When a person or agency acquires real property for a project receiving title 23 grant funds on behalf of an acquiring agency with eminent domain authority, the requirements of the Uniform Act apply as if the acquiring agency had acquired the property itself.
(3) When, subsequent to Federal approval of property acquisition, a person or agency acquires real property for a project receiving title 23 grant funds, and there will be no use or recourse to the power of eminent domain, the limited requirements of 49 CFR 24.101(b)(2) apply.
(c)Property management and disposal of property acquired for TA projects. Subpart D of this part applies to the management and disposal of real property interests acquired with TA funds, including alternate uses authorized under ROW use agreements. A TA project involving acquisition of any real property interest must have a real property agreement between FHWA and the grantee that identifies the expected useful life of the TA project and establishes a pro rata formula for repayment of TAP funding by the grantee if-
(1) The acquired real property interest is used in whole or in part for purposes other than the TA project purposes for which it was acquired; or
(2) The actual TA project life is less than the expected useful life specified in the real property agreement.

23 C.F.R. §710.511