Structurally Deficient = total number of the applicable bridges, where their classification is Structurally Deficient per this section and § 490.413 ;
SD = a bridge classified as Structurally Deficient per this section and § 490.413 ;
Length = corresponding value of NBI Item 49-Structure Length for every applicable bridge;
Width = corresponding value of NBI Item 52-Deck Width
Beginning with calendar year 2018 and thereafter, Width = corresponding value of NBI Item 52-Deck Width or value of Item 32 Approach Roadway Width for culverts where the roadway is on a fill [i.e., traffic does not directly run on the top slab (or wearing surface) of the culvert] and the headwalls do not affect the flow of traffic for every applicable bridge.
s = an applicable bridge per this section and § 490.413 ; and
TOTAL = total number of the applicable bridges specified in this section and § 490.413 .
23 C.F.R. §490.411