Section 215.4 - Times, places, and requirements for identification of individuals making requests(a) Individuals making personal requests for notification, access or contest may do so at the place designated in paragraph (a) of § 215.3 , which is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays.(b) Individuals making personal requests for notification, access or contest at offices outside the United States may do so at the overseas missions during the regular business hours of those offices.(c) An individual requesting such information in person shall provide such personal identification as is reasonable under the circumstances to verify the individual's identity; e.g. driver's license, employee identification card or medicare card. (The identification should contain a photograph of the individual.)(d) An individual requesting such information by mail shall include in his or her request a signed notarized statement to verify his or her identity and which stipulates that the individual understands that knowingly or willfully seeking or obtaining access to records about another individual under false pretenses is punishable by a fine up to $5,000, as provided in section (i)(3) of the Act.(e) Verification of identity as set forth in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section shall not be required of individuals seeking access to records otherwise available to members of the public under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 ; 88 Stat. 1561).(f) An individual who wishes to be accompanied by another person when reviewing a record shall furnish the Agency with a written statement authorizing discussion of his or her record in the presence of the accompanying person. Such statement need not contain any reasons for the access or for the accompanying person's presence.