Section 895.22 - Submission of data and information by the manufacturer, distributor, or importer(a) A manufacturer, distributor, or importer of a device may be required to submit to the Food and Drug Administration all relevant and available data and information to enable the Commissioner to determine whether the device presents substantial deception, unreasonable and substantial risk of illness or injury, or unreasonable, direct, and substantial danger to the health of individuals. The data and information required by the Commissioner may include scientific or test data, reports, records, or other information, including data and information on whether the device is safe and effective for its intended use or when used as directed, whether the device performs according to the claims made for the device, and information on adulteration or misbranding. Any relevant information that is voluntarily submitted will also be reviewed.(b) A manufacturer, distributor, or importer of a device required to submit data and information as provided in paragraph (a) of this section will be notified in writing by the Food and Drug Administration that such data and information shall be submitted. The written notification will advise the manufacturer, distributor, or importer of the device that the purpose for the request is to enable the Commissioner to determine whether any of the conditions listed in paragraph (a) of this section or § 895.30(a)(1) exists with respect to the device such that a proceeding should be initiated to make the device a banned device. When the required data and information can be identified by the Food and Drug Administration at the time of the notification, the agency will provide such identification to the manufacturer, distributor, or importer of the device.(c) The required data and information shall be submitted to the Food and Drug Administration no more than 30 days after the date of receipt of the request, unless the Commissioner determines that the data and information shall be submitted by some other date and so informs the manufacturer, distributor, or importer, in which case the data and information shall be submitted on the date specified by the Commissioner.(d) If the data or information submitted to the Food and Drug Administration is sufficient to persuade the Commissioner that the deception or risk of illness or injury or the danger to the health of individuals presented by a device could be corrected or eliminated by labeling or change in labeling, or change in advertising if the device is a restricted device, the Commissioner will proceed in accordance with § 895.25 .(e) If the data or information submitted to the Food and Drug Administration is insufficient to show that the device does not present a substantial deception or an unreasonable and substantial risk of illness or injury, or an unreasonable, direct, and substantial danger to the health of individuals, or if the manufacturer, distributor, or importer fails to submit the required information, the Commissioner may rely upon this insufficiency or failure to submit the required information in considering whether to initiate a proceeding to make the device a banned device under § 895.21(d) and, when appropriate, to establish a special effective date in accordance with § 895.30 . The Commissioner may also initiate other regulatory action as provided in the act or this chapter.