Legend for Vertical and Horizontal Still Retorts
A-Water line.
B-Steam line.
C-Temperature control.
D-Overflow line.
E1-Drain line.
F-Check valves.
G-Line from hot water storage.
H-Suction line and manifold.
I-Circulating pump.
K-Recirculating line.
L-Steam distributor.
M-Temperature-controller sensor.
N-Temperature-indicating device sensor.
O-Water spreader.
P-Safety valve.
Q-Vent valve for steam processing.
R-Pressure gage.
S-Inlet air control.
T-Pressure control.
U-Air line.
V-To pressure control instrument.
W-To temperature control instrument.
X-Wing nuts.
Y1-Crate support.
Y2-Crate guides.
Z-Constant flow orifice valve.
Z1-Constant flow orifice valve used during come-up.
Z2-Constant flow orifice valve used during cook.
21 C.F.R. §113.40