20 C.F.R. § 679.390

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 679.390 - How does the Local Workforce Development Board meet its requirement to conduct business in an open manner under the "sunshine provision" of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?

The Local WDB must conduct its business in an open manner as required by WIOA sec. 107(e), by making available to the public, on a regular basis through electronic means and open meetings, information about the activities of the Local WDB. This includes:

(a) Information about the Local Plan, or modification to the Local Plan, before submission of the plan;
(b) List and affiliation of Local WDB members;
(c) Selection of one-stop operators;
(d) Award of grants or contracts to eligible training providers of workforce investment activities including providers of youth workforce investment activities;
(e) Minutes of formal meetings of the Local WDB; and
(f) Local WDB by-laws, consistent with § 679.310(g) .

20 C.F.R. §679.390

81 FR 56371, 10/18/2016