2 C.F.R. § 1108.175

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 1108.175 - Exempt property
(a)Exempt property means tangible personal property acquired in whole or in part with Federal funds under a DoD Component's awards, for which the DoD Component:
(1) Has statutory authority to vest title in recipients (or allow for vesting in subrecipients) without further obligation to the Federal Government or subject to conditions the DoD Component considers appropriate; and
(2) Elects to use that authority to do so.
(b) An example of exempt property authority is contained in the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act (31 U.S.C. 6306 ) for tangible personal property acquired under an award to conduct basic or applied research by a nonprofit institution of higher education or nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is conducting scientific research.

2 C.F.R. §1108.175

85 FR 51230 , 10/19/2020