Section 207.2 - Definitions applicable to part 207For the purposes of this part, the following terms have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
(a) The term the Act means: The Tariff Act of 1930, as amended.(b) The term administering authority means: The Secretary of Commerce, or any other officer of the United States to whom the responsibility for carrying out the duties of the administering authority under section 303 or title VII of the Act is transferred by law.(c) The term Director means: The incumbent Commission Director or Acting Director, Office of Operations, or, in the absence of either, a person designated by the Director.(d) The term ex parte meeting means: Any communication between(1) Any interested party or other person providing factual information in connection with an investigation, and(2) Any Commissioner, or member of a Commissioner's staff, in which less than all parties participate, and which is not a hearing or conference for which an opportunity to participate is given to the parties.(e) The term injury means: Material injury or threat of material injury to an industry in the United States, or material retardation of the establishment of an industry in the United States, by reason of imports into the United States of subject merchandise which is found by the administering authority to be subsidized, or sold, or likely to be sold, at less than its fair value.(f) The term record means:(1) All information presented to or obtained by the Commission during the course of an investigation, including completed questionnaires, any information obtained from the administering authority, written communications from any person filed with the Secretary, staff reports, all governmental memoranda pertaining to the case, and the record of ex parte meetings required to be kept pursuant to section 777(a)(3) of the Act; and(2) A copy of all Commission orders and determinations, all transcripts or records of conferences or hearings, and all notices published in the FEDERAL REGISTER concerning the investigation.(g) The term coalition or trade association as used in an investigation referred to in section 771(9)(G) of the Act means a coalition or trade association which is representative of domestic processors, domestic processors and producers, or domestic processors and growers.44 FR 76468, Dec. 26, 1979, as amended at 60 FR 21, Jan. 3, 1995