- Section 1309.1 - What are the defined terms in this part and what do they mean?
- Section 1309.2 - What is the purpose of the Act?
- Section 1309.3 - What is the purpose of this part?
- Section 1309.4 - What programs or activities are covered by the Act and this part?
- Section 1309.5 - What are the rules against age discrimination?
- Section 1309.6 - Is the normal operation or statutory objective of any program or activity an exception to the rules against age discrimination?
- Section 1309.7 - Is the use of reasonable factors other than age an exception to the rules against age discrimination?
- Section 1309.8 - Who has the burden of proving that an action is excepted?
- Section 1309.9 - How does TVA provide financial assistance in conformity with the Act?
- Section 1309.10 - What general responsibilities do recipients and TVA have to ensure compliance with the Act?
- Section 1309.11 - What specific responsibilities do TVA and recipients have to ensure compliance with the Act?
- Section 1309.12 - What are a recipient's responsibilities on compliance reports and access to information?
- Section 1309.13 - What are the prohibitions against intimidation or retaliation?
- Section 1309.14 - How will complaints against recipients be processed?
- Section 1309.15 - How will TVA enforce compliance with the Act and this part?
- Section 1309.16 - What is the alternate funds disbursal procedure?
- Section 1309.17 - What is the procedure for hearings and issuance of TVA decisions required by this part?
- Section 1309.18 - Under what circumstances must recipients take remedial or affirmative action?
- Section 1309.19 - When may a complainant file a civil action?