Current through November 30, 2024
Section 229.1502 - (Item 1502) Strategy(a) Describe any climate-related risks that have materially impacted or are reasonably likely to have a material impact on the registrant, including on its strategy, results of operations, or financial condition. In describing these material risks, a registrant must describe whether such risks are reasonably likely to manifest in the short-term (i.e., the next 12 months) and separately in the long-term (i.e., beyond the next 12 months). A registrant must disclose whether the risk is a physical or transition risk, providing information necessary to an understanding of the nature of the risk presented and the extent of the registrant's exposure to the risk, including the following non-exclusive list of disclosures, as applicable: (1) If a physical risk, whether it may be categorized as an acute or chronic risk, and the geographic location and nature of the properties, processes, or operations subject to the physical risk.(2) If a transition risk, whether it relates to regulatory, technological, market (including changing consumer, business counterparty, and investor preferences), or other transition-related factors, and how those factors impact the registrant. A registrant that has significant operations in a jurisdiction that has made a GHG emissions reduction commitment should consider whether it may be exposed to a material transition risk related to the implementation of the commitment.(b) Describe the actual and potential material impacts of any climate-related risk identified in response to paragraph (a) of this section on the registrant's strategy, business model, and outlook, including, as applicable, any material impacts on the following non-exclusive list of items: (1) Business operations, including the types and locations of its operations;(2) Products or services;(3) Suppliers, purchasers, or counterparties to material contracts, to the extent known or reasonably available;(4) Activities to mitigate or adapt to climate-related risks, including adoption of new technologies or processes; and(5) Expenditure for research and development.(c) Discuss whether and how the registrant considers any impacts described in response to paragraph (b) of this section as part of its strategy, financial planning, and capital allocation, including, as applicable: (1) Whether the impacts of the climate-related risks described in response to paragraph (b) have been integrated into the registrant's business model or strategy, including whether and how resources are being used to mitigate climate-related risks; and(2) How any of the targets referenced in § 229.1504 or transition plans referenced in paragraph (e) of this section relate to the registrant's business model or strategy.(d)(1) Discuss how any climate-related risks described in response to paragraph (a) of this section have materially impacted or are reasonably likely to materially impact the registrant's business, results of operations, or financial condition.(2) Describe quantitatively and qualitatively the material expenditures incurred and material impacts on financial estimates and assumptions that, in management's assessment, directly result from activities disclosed under paragraph (b)(4) of this section.(e)(1) If a registrant has adopted a transition plan to manage a material transition risk, describe the plan. To allow for an understanding of the registrant's progress under the plan over time, a registrant must update its annual report disclosure about the transition plan each fiscal year by describing any actions taken during the year under the plan, including how such actions have impacted the registrant's business, results of operations, or financial condition.(2) Include quantitative and qualitative disclosure of material expenditures incurred and material impacts on financial estimates and assumptions as a direct result of the transition plan disclosed under paragraph (e)(1) of this section.(f) If a registrant uses scenario analysis to assess the impact of climate-related risks on its business, results of operations, or financial condition, and if, based on the results of such scenario analysis, the registrant determines that a climate-related risk is reasonably likely to have a material impact on its business, results of operations, or financial condition, the registrant must describe each such scenario including a brief description of the parameters, assumptions, and analytical choices used, as well as the expected material impacts, including financial impacts, on the registrant under each such scenario.(g)(1) If a registrant's use of an internal carbon price is material to how it evaluates and manages a climate-related risk identified in response to paragraph (a) of this section, disclose in units of the registrant's reporting currency: (i) The price per metric ton of CO2 e; and(ii) The total price, including how the total price is estimated to change over the time periods referenced in paragraph (a) of this section, as applicable.(2) If a registrant uses more than one internal carbon price to evaluate and manage a material climate-related risk, it must provide the disclosures required by this section for each internal carbon price and disclose its reasons for using different prices.(3) If the scope of entities and operations involved in the use of an internal carbon price described pursuant to this section is materially different from the organizational boundaries used for the purpose of calculating a registrant's GHG emissions pursuant to § 229.1505 , briefly describe this difference.