17 C.F.R. § 46.1
Asset class means a broad category of commodities, including, without limitation, any "excluded commodity" as defined in section 1a(19) of the Act, with common characteristics underlying a swap. The asset classes include interest rate, foreign exchange, credit, equity, other commodity, and such other asset classes as may be determined by the Commission.
Compliance date means the applicable date, as specified in part 45 of this chapter, on which a registered entity or swap counterparty subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission is required to commence full compliance with all provisions of this part and with all applicable provisions of part 45 of this chapter, as set forth in the preamble to this part.
Confirmation (confirming) means the consummation (electronically or otherwise) of legally binding documentation (electronic or otherwise) that memorializes the agreement of the parties to all terms of a swap. A confirmation must be in writing (whether electronic or otherwise) and must legally supersede any previous agreement (electronically or otherwise).
Confirmation data means all of the terms of a swap matched and agreed upon by the counterparties in confirming the swap.
Electronic reporting ("report electronically") means the reporting of data normalized in data fields as required by the data standard or standards used by the swap data repository to which the data is reported. Except where specifically otherwise provided in this chapter, electronic reporting does not include submission of an image of a document or text file.
Equity swap means any swap that is primarily based on equity securities, including, without limitation: any swap primarily based on one or more broad-based indices of equity securities; and any total return swap on one or more equity indices.
Financial entity has the meaning set forth in CEA section 2(h)(7)(C).
Historical swap means pre-enactment swaps and transition swaps.
Minimum primary economic terms means, with respect to a historical swap, the terms included in the list of minimum primary economic terms for swaps in each swap asset class found in appendix 1 to this part.
Minimum primary economic terms data means all of the data elements necessary to fully report all of the minimum primary economic terms required by this part to be reported for a swap in the swap asset class of the swap in question.
Mixed swap has the meaning set forth in CEA section 1a(47)(D), and refers to an instrument that is in part a swap subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and in part a security-based swap subject to the jurisdiction of the SEC.
Multi-asset swap means a swap that does not have one easily identifiable primary underlying notional item, but instead involves multiple underlying notional items within the Commission's jurisdiction that belong to different asset classes.
Non-SD/MSP/DCO counterparty means a swap counterparty that is not a swap dealer, major swap participant, or derivatives clearing organization.
Pre-enactment swap means any swap entered into prior to enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 (July 21, 2010), the terms of which have not expired as of the date of enactment of that Act.
Reporting counterparty means the counterparty required to report data for a pre-enactment swap or a transition swap pursuant to this part, selected as provided in § 46.5 .
Required swap continuation data means all of the data elements that shall be reported during the existence of a swap as required by part 45 of this chapter.
Substitute counterparty identifier means a unique alphanumeric code assigned by a swap data repository to a swap counterparty prior to the Commission designation of a legal entity identifier system on July 23, 2012.
Transition swap means any swap entered into on or after the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 (July 21, 2010) and prior to the applicable compliance date on which a registered entity or swap counterparty subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission is required to commence full compliance with all provisions of this part, as set forth in the preamble to this part.
17 C.F.R. §46.1