17 C.F.R. § 145 app A to Part 145

Current through August 31, 2024
Appendix A to Part 145 - Compilation of Commission Records Available to the Public

The following documents are available, upon request, directly from the office indicated. Unless otherwise noted, the mailing address for the Commission offices listed below is Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581.

(a) Office of External Affairs.

(1) Commitments of Traders Reports.

(2) Weekly Advisory (solely available on the Commission's Web site at http://www.cftc.gov/cftc/cftcpressoffice.htm).

(3) Studies Prepared by Commission staff.

(4) Educational material (e.g., newsletters, brochures, annual reports, conference or advisory meetings, technical information about specific markets or contracts).

(5) Press releases.

(6) Rule enforcement and financial reviews (public version).

(7) CFTC litigation documents (e.g. administrative and civil complaints, injunctions, initial decisions, opinions and orders).

(8) Commission rules and regulations, FEDERAL REGISTER notices, interpretative letters.

(9) Speeches, Commissioner biographies and photographs.

(10) Statistical data concerning the Commission's budget.

(11) Statistical data concerning specific contracts and markets.

(b) Office of the Secretariat (Public reading area with copying facilities available).

(1) Comment letters and CFTC summaries of comment letters.

(2) Terms and conditions of proposed contracts.

(3) Registered entity filings relating to rules as defined in § 40.1 of this chapter, unless covered by a request for confidential treatment.

(4) National Futures Association (NFA) rule amendments.

(5) Exchange and NFA disciplinary action notifications.

(6) Open Commission meeting minutes.

(7) Sunshine certificates for closed Commission meetings.

(8) CFTC Advisory Committee final reports.

(9) Opinions and orders of the Commission.

(10) Reparations orders and enforcement orders index.

(11) Rulemaking index.

(12) Exchange membership notification.

(13) Publicly available portions of applications to become a registered entity including the transmittal letter, first page of the application cover sheet, proposed rules, proposed bylaws, corporate documents, any overview or similar summary provided by the applicant, any documents pertaining to the applicant's legal status and governance structure, including governance fitness information, and any other part of the application not covered by a request for confidential treatment.

(c) Office of Proceedings.

(1) Documents contained in reparations and enforcement cases, unless subject to protective order.

(2) Complaint packages, which contain the Reparation Rules, Brochure "Questions and Answers About How You Can Resolve a Commodity-Market Related Dispute," and the complaint form.

(3) Rules of Practice concerning administrative enforcement proceedings.

(d) Executive Director, Administrative Services Section. Information Collection requests submitted to the Office of Management and Budget relating to requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. 96-511 .

(e) Division of Market Oversight.

(1) Weekly stocks of grain reports.

(2) Weekly cotton or call reports.

(f) Division of Enforcement. Complaint package containing Division of Enforcement Questionnaire and list of federal, state and local enforcement authorities.

(g) Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight. Publicly available portions of registration documents are available from the National Futures Association, 200 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606. See Commission Rule 145.6.

17 C.F.R. § 145 app A to Part 145

51 FR 26874, July 28, 1986, as amended at 57 FR 29203, July 1, 1992; 59 FR 5528, Feb. 7, 1994; 60 FR 49335, Sept. 25, 1995; 64 FR 27, Jan. 4, 1999; 67 FR 62353, Oct. 7, 2002; 67 FR 63539, Oct. 15, 2002; 69 FR 67507, Nov. 18, 2004; 77 FR 66348, Nov. 2, 2012; 78 FR 22419, Apr. 16, 2013