14 C.F.R. § 111.255

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 111.255 - [Removed effective 9/10/2029] Reporting historical records to PRD
(a) Each operator that holds an air carrier certificate issued in accordance with part 119 of this chapter and is authorized to conduct operations under part 121 or part 135 of this chapter must report to the PRD all historical records kept in accordance with PRIA dating from August 1, 2005 until June 10, 2022, in a form and manner prescribed by the Administrator.
(b) Each operator that holds an operating certificate issued in accordance with part 119 of this chapter and is authorized to conduct operations under part 121, 125, or 135 of this chapter or that holds management specifications to operate in accordance with subpart K of part 91 of this chapter must report to the PRD all historical records kept in accordance with PRIA dating from August 1, 2010, until June 10, 2022, in a form and manner prescribed by the Administrator.
(c) If an operator required to report historical records to the PRD in accordance with this section is appointed a trustee in a bankruptcy proceeding, the trustee must report the operator's historical records.
(d) Compliance for reporting historical records that date on or after January 1, 2015, is required by June 12, 2023. Compliance for records that date before January 1, 2015, is required by September 9, 2024.
(e) An operator or trustee subject to the applicability of this subpart must maintain all historical records reported to the PRD in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section for at least five years after reporting those records.
(f) An operator or trustee is not required to report historical records for any individual who is 99 years of age or older on June 10, 2022.
(1) The Administrator may authorize a request for deviation from paragraph (d) of this section based on a determination that a delay in compliance, due to circumstance beyond control of the operatoror trustee reporting historical records, would not adversely affect safety.
(2) A request for deviation from paragraph (d) of this section must include the following information:
(i) The name of the operator or trustee;
(ii) The name of the responsible person;
(iii) The name of the pilot(s) who are the subject of the record;
(iv) Historical record type for which deviation is requested;
(v) Date range of records; and
(vi) Justification for the request for deviation, including a description of the circumstance referenced in (g)(1).
(3) Operators and trustees granted deviation in accordance with this paragraph must continue to retain historical records and respond to requests for such records for the term of that deviation in a form and manner prescribed by the Administrator.
(4) The Administrator may, at any time, terminate a grant of deviation issued under this paragraph.

14 C.F.R. §111.255

86 FR 31060, 32185, 8/9/2021; 86 FR 31067, 9/10/2029