12 C.F.R. § 612.2130

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 612.2130 - Definitions

For purposes of this subpart, the following terms and definitions apply excepting that words like document, record, certify, report, sign, and write generally should be interpreted to permit their electronic equivalents:

Agent means any person, other than a director or employee of the institution, with the power to act for the institution either by contract or apparent authority and who currently either represents the System institution in contacts with third parties or provides professional or fiduciary services to the institution.

Code of Ethics means a written statement of the principles and values the System institution follows to establish a culture of ethical conduct for directors and employees, including, at a minimum, the core principles established under this subpart.

Conflicts of interest means a set of circumstances or appearance thereof where a person has a financial interest in a transaction, relationship, or activity that could or does actually affect (or has the appearance of affecting) that person's ability to perform official duties and responsibilities in a totally impartial manner and in the best interest of the institution when viewed from the perspective of a reasonable person with knowledge of the relevant facts.

Employee means any individual working on a part-time, full-time, or temporary basis by the System institution, including those identified as officers of the institution. Persons not maintained on the institution's payroll (i.e., independent contractors) are not employees for purposes of this subpart.

Entity means a corporation, company, association, firm, joint venture, partnership (general or limited), trust (business or otherwise) or other business operation whether or not incorporated.

Family means parents, spouses or civil union partners, children, siblings, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, grandparents, grandchildren, and the spouses of the foregoing, whether arising from biological, adoptive, marital, or other legal means (e.g., stepparents, stepchildren, half-siblings, in-laws). The term also includes anyone residing in the household or who is a legal or financial dependent, regardless of any familial relationship.

Financial interest means an interest in an activity, transaction, property, or relationship with a person that involves receiving or providing something of monetary value or other present or deferred compensation.

Financially obligated with means having a legally enforceable joint obligation with, being financially obligated on behalf of (contingently or otherwise), having an enforceable legal obligation secured by property owned by another person, or owning property that secures an enforceable legal obligation of another.

Material, when applied to a financial interest or transaction (including a series of transactions viewed in the aggregate), means that the interest or transaction is of sufficient magnitude that a reasonable person with knowledge of the relevant facts would question the ability of the person who has the interest or is party to such transaction(s) to perform the person's official duties objectively and impartially and in the best interest of the institution and its statutory purpose.

Mineral interest means any interest in minerals, oil, or gas, including but not limited to, any right derived directly or indirectly from a mineral, oil, or gas lease, deed, or royalty conveyance.

Officer means the chief executive officer, president, chief operating officer, vice president, secretary, treasurer, general counsel, chief financial officer, and chief credit officer of the System institution, and any person not so designated but who holds a similar position of authority.

Ordinary course of business, when applied to a transaction, means:

(1) A transaction that is usual and customary in the business in question on terms that are not preferential; or
(2) A transaction with a person who is in the business of offering the goods or services that are the subject of the transaction on terms that are not preferential.

Person means individual or entity (including sole proprietorships).

Preferential means that the transaction is not on the same terms as those prevailing at the same time for comparable transactions for other persons who are not directors, employees or agents of a System institution.

Reportable business entity means an entity in which the reporting individual, directly or indirectly, or acting through or in concert with one or more persons:

(1) Owns a material percentage of the equity;
(2) Owns, controls, or has the power to vote a material percentage of any class of voting securities; or
(3) Has the power to exercise a material influence over the management of policies of such entity from his or her status as a partner, director, officer, or majority shareholder in the entity.

Resolved means an actual or apparent conflict of interest that has been addressed with an action such as recusal, divestiture, approval or exception, job reassignment, employee supervision, employment separation or other action, with the result that a reasonable person with knowledge of the relevant facts would conclude that the conflicting interest is unlikely to adversely affect the person's performance of official duties in an objective and impartial manner and in furtherance of the interests and statutory purposes of the Farm Credit System.

Standards of Conduct Official or "SOCO" means a person appointed by the institution's board of directors pursuant to this subpart to administer and report on the institution's Standards of Conduct Program, as well as investigate allegations of misconduct by institution directors, employees or agents.

Standards of Conduct Program or SOC program means the policies and procedures, internal controls and other actions a System institution must implement to put into practice the requirements of this subpart.

Supervised institution is a term that only applies within the context of a Farm Credit bank or employee of a Farm Credit bank and refers to each association supervised by that Farm Credit bank.

Supervising institution is a term that only applies within the context of an association or employee of an association and refers to the Farm Credit bank that supervises that association.

System institution and institution means any Farm Credit System bank, association, or service corporation chartered under section 4.25 of the Act, and the Funding Corporation. It does not include the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation.

12 C.F.R. §612.2130

86 FR 50975, 9/13/2021; 86 FR 58559, 1/1/2023