Cal. Code Regs. tit. 9 § 11012

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 49, December 6, 2024
Section 11012 - Loan Requirements
(a) Each resident of the group home shall be considered a co-applicant for the loan.
(b) In signing the loan applications, each co-applicant shall assume liability for repaying the outstanding balance of the loan in its entirety in the event that the other co-applicants leave the group home, misappropriate the loan proceeds, or otherwise discontinue repayment of the RRHP loan.
(c) Each RRHP group home shall consist of no less than six residents, who are recovering from alcoholism and/or drug addiction.
(d) Minor children of group residents may live with their parents in the group home if:
(1) The parent makes arrangements to care for the child(ren) if the parent is expelled from the group home pursuant to Subsection (f)(2) of this regulation;
(2) The parent signs a written statement specifying the arrangements that have been made to care for the child(ren) if the parent is expelled from the group home;
(3) If the arrangements the parent has made involve the other residents of the group home, the residents shall sign a written statement agreeing to comply with the arrangements the parent has made to care for the child(ren).
(e) All residents of the home shall be recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction.
(f) The group home shall be alcohol and drug free. As used in this chapter, "alcohol and drug free" means that:
(1) No alcohol or illicit drugs shall be allowed in the group home or on the premises.
(2) The group residents shall expel from the group home any resident who resumes using alcohol or illicit drugs.
(3) As used in this chapter, "illicit drugs" means any substance defined as a drug in Section 11014, Chapter 1, Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, except:
(A) Drugs or medications prescribed by a licensed physician or other person authorized to prescribe drugs, pursuant to Section 4036, Chapter 9, Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, and used in the dosage and frequency described; or
(B) Over-the-counter drugs or medications, used in the dosage and frequency described on the box, bottle, or package insert.
(g) The group home shall be habitable. As used in the chapter, "habitable" means that the group home shall have a minimum of:
(1) One working gas or electric stove,
(2) One working electric refrigerator,
(3) Hot and cold running water,
(4) One water flush toilet, in working condition,
(5) One bathtub, shower, or bath/shower combination, with hot and cold running water, and in working condition.
(6) Electric lighting,
(7) A working furnace or other form of heating,
(8) An individual bed for each resident and enough bedrooms to accommodate all residents of the house, so that no more than four residents are required to share a bedroom. Each bunk of a bunk bed shall be considered an individual bed for purposes of this regulation.
(h) The residents of the group home shall be self-supporting and able to repay the loan within two years. Ability to be self-supporting and to repay the loan within two years shall be determined as follows:
(A) Each co-applicant's share of monthly housing expenses shall be computed by adding the monthly rent, utilities, and group loan repayment together, then dividing the total by the total number of co-applicants.
(B) Each co-applicant's share of monthly housing expenses shall be compared to his/her income as stated on the written RRHP loan application.
(C) If the co-applicant's share of monthly housing expenses does not exceed forty percent of his/her monthly gross income and the total of his/her other personal expenses do not exceed sixty percent of his/her monthly gross income, the co-applicant shall be considered to be self-supporting and able to repay the loan within two years.
(i) The group home shall be resident run [defined in accordance with Section 11002(a)(17)] .

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 9, § 11012

1. New section filed 4-12-95; operative 5-12-95 (Register 95, No. 15).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 11755 and 11755.2, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 11002, Government Code; Section 11755.2, Health and Safety Code; and Section 300 x-25, Title 42, United States Code.

1. New section filed 4-12-95; operative 5-12-95 (Register 95, No. 15).