Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 5042 - Safe Operating Practices(a) Whenever any sling is used, the following practices shall be enforced: (1) Slings that are damaged or defective shall not be used.(2) Chain or wire rope slings shall not be shortened with knots or bolts or other makeshift devices.(3) Slings shall not be kinked, or knotted.(4) Slings shall not be loaded in excess of their rated capacities as prescribed by the sling manufacturer on the identification markings permanently affixed to the sling.(5) Slings used in a basket hitch shall have the loads balanced to prevent slippage.(6) Slings shall be set to avoid slippage.(7) Slings shall be padded or protected from the sharp edges of their loads.(8) Suspended loads shall be kept clear of all obstructions.(9) All employees shall be kept clear of loads about to be lifted and of suspended loads. (See Section 5002).(10) Hands or fingers shall not be placed between the sling and its load while the sling is being tightened around the load.(11) Shock loading is prohibited.(12) A sling shall not be pulled from under a load when the load is resting on the sling and damage to the sling may result.(13) Tables S-1 and S-2 shall be used to determine the maximum safe working loads of various sizes of wrought iron and alloy steel chains and chain slings, except that higher safe working loads are permissible when recommended by the manufacturer for specific, identifiable products. Proof coil steel chain, also known as common or hardware chain, or other chain not recommended for slinging or hoisting by the manufacturer, shall not be used for hoisting purposes.(14) Wrought iron chains in constant use shall be annealed or normalized at intervals not exceeding 6 months when recommended by the manufacturer. The chain manufacturer shall be consulted for recommended procedures for annealing or normalizing. Alloy chains shall not be annealed.(15) Employers shall not use slings without affixed and legible identification markings.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 5042
1. Amendment of subsection (a)(3) filed 5-1-87; operative 5-31-87 (Register 87, No. 19).
2. Editorial correction of subsection (a)(3) (Register 2010, No. 34).
3. Amendment of subsection (a)(4) and new subsection (a)(15) filed 1-18-2012; operative 1-18-2012 pursuant to Labor Code section 142.3(a)(4)(C). Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Labor Code section 142.3(a)(3) (Register 2012, No. 3). Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
1. Amendment of subsection (a)(3) filed 5-1-87; operative 5-31-87 (Register 87, No. 19).
2. Editorial correction of subsection (a)(3) (Register 2010, No. 34).
3. Amendment of subsection (a)(4) and new subsection (a)(15) filed 1-18-2012; operative 1-18-2012 pursuant to Labor Code section 142.3(a)(4)(C). Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Labor Code section 142.3(a)(3) (Register 2012, No. 3).