Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, div. 1, ch. 4, subch. 2, app 1

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Appendix 1

3228. (i) [FN1] Boiler, Furnace and Incinerator Rooms.

Any room containing a boiler, furnace, incinerator, or other fuel-fired equipment must be provided with two means of egress when both of the following conditions exist:

(1) The area of the room exceeds 500 square feet, or

(2) The largest single piece of fuel-fired equipment exceeds 1,000,000 B.t.u. per hour input capacity.

Exception: Rooms housing high-pressure boilers (greater than 15 lbs. psi) where either of the conditions listed in (1) or (2) exist shall be provided with 2 exits.

If two means of egress must be provided, one may be a fixed ladder. The means of egress must be separated by a horizontal distance not less than half the greatest horizontal dimension of the room. All openings shall be protected with a self-closing fire assembly having a minimum one-hour fire-protection rating. Where oil-fired boilers are used, a 6-inch noncombustible sill (dike) shall be provided. There shall be no interior openings between any occupancy where flammable or explosive concentrations may be expected to accumulate.


1 Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3228(i), Exits, Boiler, Furnace and Incinerator Rooms, of the California Administrative Code, Title 8, Subchapter 7 (Register 72, No. 23).

3274. [FN2] Valves and Controls.

(a) Where pipe valves require daily manipulation and are so located that they cannot be reached or operated from the floor, a permanent platform or other safe means of operation shall be provided.

(b) Valves or other controls shall not be so located that their manipulation exposes the employee to hazards of dangerous moving parts of prime movers, machines, or transmission equipment. (Title 24, T8-3274)


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3274, Valves and Controls, of the California Administrative Code, Title 8, Subchapter 7 (Register 76, No. 29).

3311. [FN3] Flarebacks.

(a) To provide greater safety in lighting and relighting fixed fired equipment, the employer shall designate one or more employees who shall be trained in the safe lighting and relighting of the equipment. It shall be the responsibility of the employer to limit lighting and relighting of the equipment to employees so designated. It shall be the responsibility of the employees to follow the instructions given them. Copies of the instructions shall be prominently displayed at a location near the equipment.

(b) In addition to the above fire boxes or combustion chambers shall be purged or allowed sufficient time to vent themselves before a source of ignition is introduced into them.

(c) Provision shall be made, for the furnishing of extension lighting rods, where their use is indicated. Valves and other controls shall be so located as to avoid placing the employee in an unsafe position if a flareback occurs.


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3311, Flarebacks, of the California Administrative Code, Title 8, Subchapter 7 (Register 72, No. 23).

3312. [FN4] Entering Combustion Chambers, Flues, Boilers or Unfired Steam Pressure Vessels.

(a) Before employees are allowed to enter, through a manhole, the shell or drum of a steam boiler or an unfired steam pressure vessel for maintenance or repair, where such a boiler or pressure vessel is one of a battery of two or more boilers or vessels or is connected to another source of steam, the valves connecting to the steam header or other source of steam shall be closed and effectively blinded or two valves shall be installed with a bleeder between them and the valves shall be closed and bleeder open. Blow down valves and other valves on lines through which harmful material might accidentally flow back to the boiler or vessel shall be either sealed or closed and locked and the key retained by the employee or his supervisor while the employee is in the boiler or vessel. When lines are effectively blinded the valves need not be locked or sealed.

(b) Employees shall not enter or be required to enter the fire boxes, flues or combustion chambers of fired apparatus until:

(1) The pilot light, fuel and steam lines to burners entering the fire box or combustion chamber have been blinded, disconnected or effectively closed by the use of two block valves with an open bleeder between them.

(2) All probability of ignition of any solid combustibles in the fire box or combustion chamber has been removed.


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3312, Entering Combustion Chambers, Flues, Boilers or Unfired Steam Pressure Vessels, of the California Administrative Code, Title 8, Subchapter 7 (Register 72, No. 23).

3310. [FN5] Discharge Location.

(a) The discharge opening from traps, drains, and blowoffs shall be located so as not to endanger the safety of employees.


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3310(a), Discharge Location (Register 72, No. 23).

3514. [FN6] Tubular Gage Guard.

(a) Tubular water gages on portable steam boilers shall be protected with a substantial guard affording protection at least equivalent to that obtained by an enclosure of one-half ( 1/2) inch wire mesh of No. 18 U.S.S. gage.

(b)(NI) Every portable steam boiler shall be equipped with liquid level gages of the reflex type.


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3514, Tubular Gage Guard (Register 72, No. 23).

3515. [FN7] Try Cock Discharge Receptacle.

Where discharge presents hazards to employees, try cocks shall discharge into a funnel, dripper, or other similar receptacle, which in turn shall be piped to a safe place of discharge.


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3515, Try Cock Discharge Receptacle (Register 72, No. 23).

3516. [FN8] Try Cock Manipulation.

Provisions shall be made whereby each of the try cocks can be manipulated by the employee while standing on the floor or platform on which the boiler is mounted.


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3516, Try Cock Manipulation (Register 72, No. 23).

3517. [FN9] Steam Gage and Water Gage Glass Location.

The steam gage and water gage glasses shall be so located on the boiler that they can be clearly seen by the operator.


Reprint of General Industry Safety Order, Section 3517, Steam Gage and Water Gage Glass Location (Register 72, No. 23)

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, div. 1, ch. 4, subch. 2, app 1

1. New Appendix 1 (Sections 3228, 3274, 3311, 3312, 3310, 3514, 3515, 3516 and 3517) filed 12-14-76; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 76, No. 51).
1. New Appendix 1 filed 3-29-78; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 78, No. 13).