Article 3 - Examinations and Subject Matter Programs
- Section 80071 - Qualification by Examination for Issuance of Credential
- Section 80071.1 - Oral Proficiency Examinations for Single Subject Language Authorization. [Repealed]
- Section 80071.2 - Writing Proficiency Examination for Single Subject English Language Authorization. [Repealed]
- Section 80071.3 - English Writing Proficiency Examination for Candidates Without College Recommendations. [Renumbered]
- Section 80071.4 - Basic Skills Examination
- Section 80071.5 - Reading Instruction Competence Assessment
- Section 80072 - Appeal upon Failure to Pass Subject Matter Examination
- Section 80073 - Board of Examiners
- Section 80074 - Members of the Board of Examiners
- Section 80075 - Oral Examination
- Section 80076 - Board of Examiners' Fee
- Section 80077 - Examination Processing Fee
- Section 80078 - English Writing Proficiency Examination for Candidates Without College Recommendations. [Repealed]
- Section 80085 - Programs of Academic Preparation. [Repealed]
- Section 80085.1 - Programs of Academic Preparation; General Requirement. [Repealed]
- Section 80086 - Programs of Academic Preparation; Specific Requirements. [Repealed]
- Section 80087 - Institutional Procedures and Standards. [Repealed]
- Section 80088 - Approval of Programs of Academic Preparation. [Repealed]
- Section 80089 - Adding Supplementary Authorizations to Teaching Credentials Used Predominantly in Secondary Schools
- Section 80089.1 - Subjects Added as Supplementary Authorizations (Specific Subjects)
- Section 80089.2 - Subjects Added as Introductory Supplementary Authorizations
- Section 80089.3 - Introductory Subject Matter Authorizations
- Section 80089.4 - Specific Subject Matter Authorizations
- Section 80092 - Period of Validity of Waiver Subject Matter Program. [Repealed]
- Section 80093 - Completion of Waiver Subject Matter Program; Subsequent Examination Not Required. [Repealed]
- Section 80094 - Institutionally Approved Subject Matter Equivalencies
- Section 80095 - Specific Teaching Performance Assessment Requirements
- Section 80096 - Determination of Subject Matter Competency
- Section 80097 - Approval of Programs Leading to the Professional Services Credential with a Specialization in Administrative Services
- Section 80098 - Approval of Programs Leading to the Language Development Specialist Certificate