Cal. Code Regs. tit. 5 § 74112

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 41, October 11, 2024
Section 74112 - Uniform Data - Annual Report, Performance Fact Sheet
(a) Format. The format for the Performance Fact Sheet shall be in at least 12 pt. type, in an easily readable font, with 1.15 line spacing and all titles and column headings shall be in bold 14 pt. type, which shall also identify the program for which the Performance Fact Sheet pertains. The Performance Fact Sheet shall contain all and only the information required or specifically permitted by sections 94910 and 94929.5 of the Code or this chapter. A separate Performance Fact Sheet shall be prepared for each program.
(b) An institution offering educational programs that are too new to provide the required two years of data shall include the date the program began as well as the statement required by section 94910(e) of the Code. The Performance Fact Sheet shall also disclose the estimated date of availability for two full years of data for those programs.
(c) Institutions approved under section 94874.8 of the Code, which do not include all required information per section 94874.8(a)(4), shall include on the Performance Fact Sheet the date of approval to operate and when the required data will be available.
(d) In addition to the definitions contained in section 94928 of the Code:
(1) "Number of Students Who Began the Program" means the number of students who began a program who were scheduled to complete the program within 100% of the published program length within the reporting calendar year, and excludes all students who cancelled during the cancellation period.
(2) "Number of On-time Graduates" means the number of students who completed the program within 100% of the published program length within the reporting calendar year.
(3) "Gainfully Employed" means:
(i) The graduate is employed in a job classification under the United States Department of Labor's Standard Occupational Classification codes, using the Detailed Occupation (six-digit) level, for which the institution has identified in its catalog and in its employment positions list required by section 94910(f)(2) of the Code that the program prepares its graduates; and
(ii) The graduate is employed in a single position or concurrent aggregated positions totaling at least 30 hours per week for 5 weeks (35 calendar days), or totaling at least 20 hours per week for 5 weeks (35 calendar days) with a statement signed by the graduate stating that he or she chose to seek part-time employment rather than fulltime employment after graduation; or
(B) The graduate is employed by the same employer that employed the graduate before enrollment, and any of the following conditions are met:
(i) the graduate is employed in an occupation with a different Detailed Occupation (six-digit) level Standard Occupational Classification code than applies to the position in which the graduate was employed before enrollment; or
(ii) the employer or the graduate provides a statement to the effect that the employment after graduation was the result of a promotion with increased pay, due at least in part to graduation from the program; or
(iii) the employer or the graduate provides a statement to the effect that the degree or the completed program was required as a condition of continued employment; or
(C) The graduate is self-employed or working freelance as reasonably evidenced by, but not limited to, a business license, fictitious business name statement, advertising (other than business cards), website, or business receipts or other evidence of income from business; or an attestation signed by the graduate of self-employment or freelance work and dated after graduation.
(e) Reporting periods:
(1) An Annual Report shall include data for all educational programs as defined in section 94837 of the Code for the previous one calendar year.
(2) A Performance Fact Sheet shall be current and available not later than December 1st, and shall report data for the previous two calendar years based upon the "number of students who began the program," as defined in subdivision (d)(1) of this section and were scheduled to graduate in the reported year(s).
(f) Total Charges. The institution's Annual Report and Performance Fact Sheet shall include the total charges for a student to complete the program within 100% of the program length. The institution must include the disclosure that there may be additional charges if the program is not completed on-time.

Total charges shall be disclosed in the Performance Fact Sheet in a format substantially similar to the format listed below (dates and numbers are for example only):

Cost of Educational Program:

Total Charges for the program for students completing on-time in 20XX: $50,000.

Total Charges may be higher for students that do not complete on-time.

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(g) Student Loan/Debt Information.
(1) If the institution participates in federal financial aid programs, the institution shall include loan information in the institution's Annual Report and on the Performance Fact Sheet. The loan information shall include:
(A) The most recent three year cohort default rate, as reported by the United States Department of Education;
(B) The percentage of enrolled students receiving federal student loans;
(C) The average amount of federal student loan debt of those graduates who have federal student loan debt in the reporting year; and
(D) The percentage of graduates with federal student loans, as calculated by the institution.

Loan information shall be included in the Performance Fact Sheet in a format substantially similar to the format listed below (dates and numbers are for example only):

Federal Student Loan Debt at (Name of Institution)
Percentage of students who defaulted on their federal student loans at this school:28%1
Percentage of students enrolled in 20XX who took out federal student loans to pay for this program:43%
Percentage of graduates in 20XX who took out federal student loans to pay for this program:65%
Average federal student loan debt of 20XX graduates who took out federal student loans at this institution:$26,000

1 The percentage of students who defaulted on their federal student loans is called the Cohort Default Rate (CDR). It shows the percentage of this school's students who were more than 270 days (about 9 months) behind on their federal student loans within three years of when the first payment was due. This is the most recent CDR reported by the U.S. Department of Education.

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(2) Institutions that do not participate in federal financial aid programs shall include one of two statements in the Performance Fact Sheet in a format substantially similar to the following:

Students at (name of institution) are not eligible for federal student loans. The U.S. Department of Education has determined that this institution does not meet the criteria that would allow its students to participate in federal student aid programs.


(Name of Institution) is eligible, but chooses not to participate in federal student aid programs. So students here do not have federal student loans.

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(h) Completion Rates. Reporting of completion rates for an institution's Annual Report and Performance Fact Sheet shall include, for each educational program, the number of students who began the program as defined in subdivision (d)(1) of this section, the number of students available for graduation, number of on-time graduates, and completion rate(s). An optional table may be added to include completion rate data for students completing within 150% of the published program length. For an institution reporting completion data pursuant to section 94929(b) of the Code, completion data shall be separately reported for each program and the Performance Fact Sheet shall disclose, if true, that the completion data is being reported for students completing within 150% of the published program length, and that data is not being separately reported for students completing the program within 100% of the published program length. Programs that are more than one year in length which are reporting 150% Completion Rate will provide four calendar years of data.

Completion rates shall be included in the Performance Fact Sheet in a format substantially similar to the chart below (dates, numbers, and other data shown are for example only):

On-time Completion Rates (Graduation Rates) (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)

Name of Educational Program (Program Length)

Calendar YearNumber of Students Who Began the ProgramStudents Available for GraduationNumber of On-time GraduatesOn-time Completion Rate

Students Completing Within 150% of the Published Program Length

Name of Educational Program (Program Length)

Calendar YearNumber of Students Who Began the ProgramStudents Available for Graduation150% Graduates150% Completion Rate

*Included only if program is more than one year in length

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(i) Job Placement Rates.
(1) Any placement data required by sections 94910(b) and 94929.5(a) of the Code shall be reported for the number of students who began the program as defined in subdivision (d)(1) of this section for each reported calendar year.
(2) Placement is measured six months from the graduation date of each student. For programs that require passage of a licensing examination, placement shall be measured six months after the announcement of the examination results for the first examination available after a student completes an applicable educational program. Reporting of placement rates shall include for each educational program: the number of students who began the program, the number of graduates as defined in section 94842 of the Code, the graduates available for employment, graduates employed in the field and job placement rate(s).
(3) If the institution makes any claim related to preparing students for a job or regarding job placement, the list required by section 94910(f)(2) of the Code shall identify the employment positions by using the Detailed Occupation or six-digit level of the Standard Occupational Classification codes.
(4) Placement rate shall be calculated as follows: the number of graduates employed in the field as defined in section 94928(e)(1) of the Code in conjunction with section 74112(d)(3) divided by the number of graduates available for employment as defined in section 94928(d) of the Code.

Job Placement rates and related disclosures shall be included in the Performance Fact Sheet in a format substantially similar to the charts below, (dates, numbers, and other data shown are for example only):

Job Placement Rates (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)

Name of Educational Program (Program Length)

Calendar YearNumber of Students Who Began the ProgramNumber of GraduatesGraduates Available for EmploymentGraduates Employed in the FieldPlacement Rate % Employed in the Field

Gainful Employment Categories (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)

Name of Educational Program (Program Length)

Part Time vs. Full Time Employment

Graduates Employed in the field 20 to 29 hours per weekGraduates Employed in the field at least 30 hours per weekTotal Graduates Employed in the Field
Single Position vs. Concurrent Aggregated Positions

Graduates Employed in the field in a single positionGraduates Employed in the field in concurrent aggregated positionsTotal Graduates Employed in the Field
Self-Employed/Freelance Positions

Graduates Employed who are self-employed or working freelanceTotal Graduates Employed in the Field
Institutional Employment

Graduates Employed in the field who are employed by the institution, an employer owned by the institution, or an employer who shares ownership with the institutionTotal Graduates Employed in the Field

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(5) The following self-employment/freelance worker disclosure shall be initialed by students entering any programs in which the majority of graduates who obtain jobs obtain in this type of work:

This program may result in freelance or self-employment.

* The work available to graduates of this program is usually for freelance or self-employment.

* This type of work may not be consistent.

* The period of employment can range from one day to weeks to several months.

* Hours worked in a day or week may be more or less than the traditional 8 hour work day or 40 hour work week.

* You can expect to spend unpaid time expanding your networks, advertising, promoting your services, or honing your skills.

* Once graduates begin to work freelance or are self-employed, they will be asked to provide documentation that they are employed as such so that they may be counted as placed for our job placement records.

* Students initialing this disclosure understand that either a majority or all of this school's graduates are employed in this manner and understand what comprises this work style.

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Only initial after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(j) License Examination Passage Rates. If license examination passage rates are not available from the appropriate state agency, an institution shall collect the information directly from its graduates. If an institution demonstrates that, after reasonable efforts, it is unable to obtain the examination passage information from its graduates, the institution shall report the number of students it could not contact and note in a font the same size as the majority of the data on the Performance Fact Sheet, "License examination passage data is not available from the state agency administering the examination. We were unable to collect data from [enter the number] graduates."

Reporting of license examination passage rates for the Annual Report and the Performance Fact Sheet shall include, for each educational program: the number of graduates in the reported year, the number of documented graduates who passed the first available examination, number of documented graduates who failed the first available examination, the number of graduates for whom data is not available. An optional column may be added to separately report licensing examination data for graduates who take and pass the exam after failing initially. The Annual Report shall also include a description of the processes for attempting to contact those students.

For licensing examinations that are not continuously administered, license examination passage rates shall be included in the Performance Fact Sheet in a format substantially similar to the chart below, (dates, numbers, and other data shown are for example only):

License Examination Passage Rates (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)

Name of Educational Program (Program Length)

First Available Exam DateDate Exam Results AnnouncedNumber of Graduates in Calendar YearNumber of Graduates Taking ExamNumber Who Passed ExamNumber Who Failed ExamPassage Rate
10/1/20XY11/19/20XX304 92623067%

License examination passage data is not available from the state agency administering the examination. We were unable to collect data from 32 graduates.

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

For licensing examinations that are continuously administered, license examination passage rates shall be included in the Performance Fact Sheet in a format substantially similar to the chart below (dates, numbers, and other data shown are for example only):

License Examination Passage Rates (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)

Name of Educational Program (Program Length)

Calendar YearNumber of Graduates in Calendar YearNumber of Graduates Taking ExamNumber Who Who Passed First Available ExamNumber Who Failed First Available ExamPassage Rate

License examination passage data is not available from the state agency administering the examination. We were unable to collect data from 10 graduates.

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(k) Salary and Wage Information.

All Salary and Wage Information shall be reported to the Bureau pursuant to sections 94910(d) and 94929.5(a)(3) of the Code and shall be included in the Performance Fact Sheet, for each educational program, in a format substantially similar to the chart below (dates, numbers, salaries, and other data shown are for example only).

Salary and Wage Information (includes data for the two calendar years prior to reporting)

Name of Educational Program (Program Length)

Annual Salary and Wages Reported for Graduates Employed in the Field

Calendar YearGraduates Available for EmploymentGraduates Employed in the Field$15,000-$20,000$20,001-$25,000$25,001-$30,000$30,001-$35,000No Salary Information Reported

A list of sources used to substantiate salary disclosures is available from the school. (Insert how student can obtain this information.)

Student's Initials: __________ Date: __________

Initial only after you have had sufficient time to read and understand the information.

(l) Definitions. Definitions for all terms contained on the Performance Fact Sheet shall be included as part of the Performance Fact Sheet, in the same format as required in subdivision (a).

The following are the definitions for the Performance Fact Sheet:

"Number of Students Who Began the Program" means the number of students who began a program who were scheduled to complete the program within 100% of the published program length within the reporting calendar year and excludes all students who cancelled during the cancellation period.

"Students Available for Graduation" is the number of students who began the program minus the number of students who have died, been incarcerated, or been called to active military duty.

"Number of On-time Graduates" is the number of students who completed the program within 100% of the published program length within the reporting calendar year.

"On-time Completion Rate" is the number of on-time graduates divided by the number of students available for graduation.

"150 % Graduates" is the number of students who completed the program within 150% of the program length (includes on-time graduates).

"150 % Completion Rate" is the number of students who completed the program in the reported calendar year within 150% of the published program length, including on-time graduates, divided by the number of students available for graduation.

"Graduates Available for Employment" means the number of graduates minus the number of graduates unavailable for employment.

"Graduates Unavailable for Employment" means the graduates who, after graduation, die, become incarcerated, are called to active military duty, are international students that leave the United States or do not have a visa allowing employment in the United States, or are continuing their education in an accredited or bureau-approved postsecondary institution.

"Graduates Employed in the Field" means graduates who beginning within six months after a student completes the applicable educational program are gainfully employed, whose employment has been reported, and for whom the institution has documented verification of employment.

For occupations for which the state requires passing an examination, the six month period begins after the announcement of the examination results for the first examination available after a student completes an applicable educational program.

"Placement Rate Employed in the Field" is calculated by dividing the number of graduates gainfully employed in the field by the number of graduates available for employment.

"Number of Graduates Taking Exam" is the number of graduates who took the first available exam in the reported calendar year.

"First Available Exam Date" is the date for the first available exam after a student completed a program.

"Passage Rate" is calculated by dividing the number of graduates who passed the exam by the number of graduates who took the reported licensing exam.

"Number Who Passed First Available Exam" is the number of graduates who took and passed the first available licensing exam after completing the program.

"Salary" is as reported by graduate or graduate's employer.

"No Salary Information Reported" is the number of graduates for whom, after making reasonable attempts, the school was not able to obtain salary information.

(m) Documentation supporting all data reported shall be maintained electronically by the institution for at least five years from the last time the data was included in either an Annual Report or a Performance Fact Sheet and shall be provided to the Bureau upon request; the data for each program shall include at a minimum:
(1) the list of job classifications determined to be considered gainful employment for the educational program;
(2) student name(s), address, phone number, email address, program completed, program start date, scheduled completion date, and actual completion date;
(3) graduate's place of employment and position, date employment began, date employment ended, if applicable, actual salary, hours per week, and the date employment was verified;
(4) for each employer from which employment or salary information was obtained, the employer name(s) address and general phone number, the contact person at the employer and the contact's phone number and email address, and all written communication with employer verifying student's employment or salary;
(5) for students who become self-employed, all documentation necessary to demonstrate self-employment;
(6) a description of all attempts to contact each student or employer;
(7) any and all documentation used to provide data regarding license examinations and examination results;
(8) for each student determined to be unavailable for graduation or unavailable for employment, the identity of the student, the type of unavailability, the dates of unavailability, and the documentation of the unavailability; and
(9) the name, email address, phone number, and position or title of the institution's representative who was primarily responsible for obtaining the students' completion, placement, licensing, and salary and wage data, the date that the information was gathered, and copies of notes, letters or emails through which the information was requested and gathered.
(n) The institution shall provide on a separate document along with the Performance Fact Sheet the same cancellation disclosure as that which is required to be included with the enrollment agreement by Section 94911(e)(1) of the Code. The separate document shall be substantially the same size as the Performance Fact Sheet and shall be captioned "STUDENT'S RIGHT TO CANCEL" using bold 14 pt. type.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 74112

1. New section filed 9-19-2011; operative 10-19-2011 (Register 2011, No. 38).
2. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 7-14-2016; operative 7-14-2016 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2016, No. 29).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 94877, 94910, 94928, 94929.5, 94929.7 and 94929.8, Education Code. Reference: Sections 94874.8, 94902, 94910, 94911, 94928, 94929, 94929.5, 94929.7, 94929.8, 94934 and 94941, Education Code.

1. New section filed 9-19-2011; operative 10-19-2011 (Register 2011, No. 38).
2. Amendment of section and Note filed 7-14-2016; operative 7/14/2016 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2016, No. 29).