Cal. Code Regs. tit. 5 § 30702

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 25, June 21, 2024
Section 30702 - Application to Participate in the Program
(a) Applications to participate in the program from applicants pursuing an initial teacher credential shall be submitted by the eligible applicant to his or her eligible institution or participating district intern program office. Applications to participate in the program from credentialed teachers shall be submitted by the eligible applicant to his or her California County Offices of Education. To maximize awards the applications should be submitted to the Commission by the September 30th priority deadline and shall include the following information regarding the eligible applicant on a form provided by the Commission (Attachment A.1, B.1, or C.1):
(1) Applicant's personal information, including:
(A) Last name, first name and middle initial;
(B) Social Security Number;
(C) Address and telephone numbers (home, cellular or alternate);
(D) Date of birth;
(E) E-mail address, if available;
(F) For student applicants, Student School Identification Number;
(G) For a student or district intern applicant, undergraduate and graduate units completed;
(H) The credential that the applicant currently holds or expects to receive;
(I) The date that the applicant received or is expected to receive his or her credential;
(J) Age;
(K) Gender;
(L) Ethnicity;
(M) Teaching area in which the applicant agrees to provide service (subject to annual change pursuant to Education Code Section 69613.1);
(N) For district intern applicants, indicate if applicant has passed the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).
(2) The applicant's representations that he or she:
(A) does not owe a refund on any state or federal educational grant; and
(B) does not have a defaulted student loan; and
(C) has received or has been approved to receive an eligible educational loan; and
(D) understands the application must be submitted by the deadline established by the eligible institution, participating district intern program, eligible school districts, or County Office of Education; and
(E) will comply with all student loan repayment obligations and continue to make scheduled payments on student loan(s) until notified by his or her lender that the loan is paid in full; and
(F) understands school counseling, school psychology and educational administration are not eligible (for applicants nominated by eligible institutions and County Offices of Education); and
(G) understands the teaching area indicated on the application cannot be changed at a later date without the prior written approval of the Commission (for applicants nominated by eligible institutions and participating district intern program offices);
(3) For applicants nominated by eligible institutions, statement that the applicant agrees to:
(A) maintain satisfactory academic progress through receipt of the initial teaching credential and maintain half-time enrollment in an eligible institution; and
(B) be enrolled in coursework leading to a baccalaureate degree or in a professional teaching preparation program; and
(C) provide four full-time consecutive school years, or on a part-time basis for the equivalent of four full-time school years, of qualifying teaching service in the area that is designated as a current or projected shortage or at an eligible school; and
(D) sign a Loan Assumption Agreement; and
(E) obtain a California K-12 credential and teach in his or her designated subject area in eligible California school grades K-12; and
(F) have completed at least sixty semester or ninety quarter units of postsecondary education prior to the beginning of the fall term.
(4) For applicants nominated by participating district intern program offices, statement that the applicant agrees to:
(A) continue in the district intern program until recommended for a preliminary or clear teaching credential; and
(B) provide four full-time consecutive school years, or on a part-time basis for the equivalent of four full-time school years, of qualifying teaching service in the area that is designated as a current or projected shortage or at an eligible school; and
(C) obtain a California K-12 credential and teach in his or her designated subject area in an eligible California schools grades K-12; and
(D) sign a Loan Assumption Agreement;
(5) For applicants nominated by County Offices of Education:
(A) statement that the applicant agrees to continue to provide four full-time consecutive school years, or on a part-time basis for the equivalent of four full-time school years, of qualifying teaching service at a public school ranked in the bottom 20% on the Academic Performance Index; and
(B) Verification of the number years the applicant taught at a public school ranked in the lowest two deciles on the Academic Performance Index; and
(C) Certification that the applicant:
1. has not previously participated and received benefits from the APLE program; and
2. is currently teaching at a eligible school ranked in the bottom 20% of the Academic Performance Index (API) in grades K-12.
(6) The name of the lender/servicer, type of loan, loan status, and current balance(s) of a loan or loans the applicant has received, or has been approved to receive, under one or more of the designated loan programs.
(7) The applicant shall sign the application under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that all statements contained in the application and any accompanying documents are true and correct, with full knowledge that all statements made in the application are subject to investigation. Any false or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for denial to participate in APLE. That the applicant does not owe a refund on any state or federal educational grant or defaulted on any student loan. The applicant authorizes the Commission to receive and release any student records, and any application information between institutions and appropriate public and private agencies. The applicant will provide documentation to verify all information provided, if requested.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 30702

1. New section filed 10-13-88; operative 11-12-88 (Register 88, No. 43).
2. Repealer and new section filed 1-21-2010; operative 1-21-2010 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2010, No. 4).

Note: Authority cited: Section 69615, Education Code. Reference: Sections 69613 and 69614, Education Code.

1. New section filed 10-13-88; operative 11-12-88 (Register 88, No. 43).
2. Repealer and new section filed 1-21-2010; operative 1-21-2010 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2010, No. 4).