As required in section 20440(d)(4), all applicants shall submit a copy of a Library Building Program that demonstrates how the Library Plan of Service will be implemented in the project. The building program shall include, but is not limited to, the following components:
1. Table of contents with page numbers for each division
2. Overview and introduction
Applicants shall:
a. Provide a general introduction to the project, including an overview of the need for the project and a time schedule for the project.
b. Discuss the relationship of the library building program to the architectural design process.
c. Identify and discuss the roles and interrelationships of the library building team members.
3. General Requirements of the Library Building
Applicants shall provide a general narrative for the entire library that addresses the following items, as appropriate:
a. Occupancy by staff and patrons.
b. Type and size of collections.
c. Flexibility and expandability.
d. Staff efficiency.
e. Energy efficiency.
f. Fenestration.
g. Space finishes.
h. Access for the disabled.
i. Acoustics.
j. Environmental conditions (HVAC).
k. Illumination.
l. Power and data communication requirements.
m. Security systems.
n. Signs.
o. Audio-visual systems.
p. Visual supervision.
q. Master list of furniture and equipment.
4. Spatial Relationships
Applicants shall describe the relationships of the various spaces in the proposed library through the use of a narrative, spatial diagram, or matrix.
5. Summary of Facility Space Requirements
Applicants shall provide a summary of the spaces in the proposed library, showing the name of each space and its respective assignable square footage.
6. Space Descriptions
Applicants shall provide a description of each individual space utilizing the following items as applicable:
a. Assignable square footage.
b. Occupancy by staff and patrons.
c. Type and size of collections.
d. Functional activity description.
e. Spatial relationships.
f. Flexibility and expandability.
g. Fenestration.
h. Space finishes.
i. Access for the disabled.
j. Acoustics.
k. Environmental conditions (HVAC).
l. Illumination.
m. Power, data, and audiovisual communications requirements.
n. Security requirements.
o. Visual supervision.
p. Signs.
q. A listing of required furniture and equipment.
7. Preliminary project budget
Applicants shall provide a preliminary capital outlay project budget for the proposed facility.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, div. 2, ch. 3, art. 2, app 5