Cal. Code Regs. tit. 5 § 9524

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 37, September 13, 2024
Section 9524 - Public Meetings Held by the Commission and the State Board of Education Regarding Instructional Materials
(a) Prior to recommending instructional materials to the SBE for adoption, the Commission shall do the following:
(1) Not more than 30 days after the issuance of the IMR/CRE Report of Findings, the Commission shall hold a publicly-noticed meeting during which any interested party may provide the Commission with written or oral comments regarding the submitted instructional materials and/or the recommendations contained in the IMR/CRE Report of Findings. The primary purpose of this publicly-noticed meeting is to afford the Commission an opportunity to receive comment from those who disagree with any part of the IMR/CRE Report of Findings. The complaining party, and any interested party adverse to the complaining party, shall be provided a full and fair opportunity to present comments.
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the Commission from having additional publicly-noticed meetings that the Commission deems necessary to receive additional input from members of the public or to utilize IMRs, CREs or other content experts as provided for in section 9519(j).
(3) Commissioners must evaluate instructional materials according to the SBE adopted content standards, curriculum frameworks, evaluation criteria, and social content standards
(4) Not less than 30 days after the Commission meeting discussed in subdivision (a)(1) above, the Commission will hold a publicly-noticed meeting at which time it will adopt its recommendations to the SBE regarding instructional materials, and edits and corrections. To adopt its recommendations, the Commission must conduct a roll call vote with at least 9 affirmative votes required for the recommendations, or at least 10 affirmative votes required for the recommendations when all 18 commissioners vote.
(5) The Commission's recommendations shall be compiled into a document titled "Commission Advisory Report." Those recommendations may be different than those of the review panels as contained in the IMR/CRE Report of Findings. The Commission shall not recommend rewrites of instructional materials. The Commission Advisory Report shall be presented to the SBE along with the IMR/CRE Report of Findings.
(b) Following the Commission meetings described above, the SBE will hold at least one publicly-noticed meeting before adopting both instructional materials and edits and corrections and issuing its Adoption Report.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 9524

1. New section adopted by the Department of Education on 12-5-94. New section submitted to OAL for printing only on 12-6-94, effective 12-30-94. Exempt from Chapter 3.5 of the Government Code pursuant to Education Code section 60004 (Register 95, No. 3).
2. Amendment of section heading, repealer and new section and amendment of NOTE filed 3-3-2008; operative 4-2-2008 (Register 2008, No. 10).
3. Change without regulatory effect amending section heading and section filed 1-10-2012 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2012, No. 2).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 33031, 60005 and 60206, Education Code. Reference: Sections 60200, 60203 and 60204, Education Code.

1. New section adopted by the Department of Education on 12-5-94. New section submitted to OAL for printing only on 12-6-94, effective 12-30-94. Exempt from Chapter 3.5 of the Government Code pursuant to Education Code section 60004 (Register 95, No. 3).
2. Amendment of section heading, repealer and new section and amendment of Note filed 3-3-2008; operative 4-2-2008 (Register 2008, No. 10).
3. Change without regulatory effect amending section heading and section filed 1-10-2012 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2012, No. 2).