Shipments of the following live plants shall meet the requirements of Article 3, Standards for Plants:
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Abelia spp. | Abelia |
Acacia spp. | Acacia |
Acer spp. | Japanese maple |
Aeonium spp. | Aeonium |
Aeschynanthus spp. | Basket plant |
Agapanthus spp. | Agapanthus |
Agonis spp. | Willow myrtle |
Ajuga spp. | Bugleweed |
Albizia spp. | Albizzia |
Aleurites spp. | Aleurites |
Alnus spp. | Alder |
Alstroemeria spp. | Peruvian lily |
Althaea spp. | Hollyhock |
Amaranthus spp. | Amaranth |
Ambrosia spp. | Ragweed |
Amelanchier spp. | Serviceberry |
Ananas spp. | Ananas |
Annona spp. | Annona (cherimoya) |
Antirrhinum spp. | Snapdragon |
Aptenia spp. | Aptenia |
Aralia spp. | Japanese aralia |
Arbutus spp. | Strawberry tree |
Archontophoenix spp. | Seaforthia |
Arctostaphylos spp. | Manzanita |
Arecastrum spp. | Arecastrum |
Aronia spp. | Chokecherry |
Asclepias spp. | Milkweed |
Asparagus spp. | Asparagus |
Aspidistra spp. | Aspidistra |
Aucuba spp. | Gold dust plant |
Baccharis spp. | Baccharis |
Bauhinia spp. | Bauhinia |
Berberis spp. | Barberry |
Betula spp. | Birch |
Bignonia spp. | Bignonia |
Bougainvillea spp. | Bougainvillea |
Brachychiton spp. | Bottle tree |
Brugmansia spp. | Angel's trumpet-tree |
Brunfelsia spp. | Brunfelsia |
Buddleja spp. | Butterfly bush |
Buxus spp. | Boxwood |
Calliandra spp. | Powderpuff |
Callistemon spp. | Bottlebrush |
Calodendrum spp. | Cape chestnut |
Camellia spp. | Camellia |
Campsis spp. | Trumpet creeper |
Canna spp. | Canna |
Carica spp. | Papaya |
Capsicum spp. | Pepper, chile |
Carissa spp. | Natal plum |
Caryota spp. | Fishtail palm |
Cassia spp. | Senna |
Castanopsis spp. | Chinquapin |
Castanospermum spp. | Castanospermum |
Catalpa spp. | Catawba |
Ceanothus spp. | Redroot |
Cedrus spp. | Deodar cedar |
Ceratonia spp. | Carob |
Ceratostigma spp. | Ceratostigma |
Cercidium spp. | Palo Verde |
Cercis spp. | Redbud |
Cercocarpus spp. | Mountain mahogany |
Chamaedorea spp. | Palms |
Chenopodium spp. | Lambsquarter |
Chilopsis spp. | Desert willow |
Chionanthus spp. | Fringe tree |
Chitalpa spp. | Chitalpa |
Chlorophytum spp. | St. Bernard's lily |
Chorisia spp. | Floss-silk tree |
Chrysanthemum spp. | Chrysanthemum |
Cinnamomum spp. | Cinnamomum |
Cissus spp. | Grape ivy |
Cistus spp. | Rock rose |
Citrus spp. | Citrus |
Clematis spp. | Evergreen clematis |
Clytostoma spp. | Clytostoma |
Cocculus spp. | Cocculus |
Cocos spp. | Cocos |
Coffea spp. | Coffee |
Coleus spp. | Coleus |
Coprosma spp. | Coprosma |
Cordyline spp. | Ti |
Coreopsis spp. | Coreopsis |
Cornus spp. | Dogwood |
Cotoneaster spp. | Cotoneaster |
Crassula spp. | Crassula |
Crataegus spp. | Thornless hawthorn |
Cupaniopsis spp. | Cupaniopsis |
Cuphea spp. | Cuphea |
Cycas spp. | Cycad |
Dalbergia spp. | Indian rosewood |
Datura spp. | Jimsonweed |
Dianthus spp. | Dianthus |
Dietes spp. | Dietes |
Diospyros spp. | Persimmon |
Distictis spp. | Blood trumpet |
Dodonaea spp. | Dodonaea |
Dracaena spp. | Dracaena |
Duranta spp. | Golden dewdrop |
Elaeagnus spp. | Elaeagnus |
Elaeocarpus spp. | Elaeocarpus |
Ensete spp. | Ensete |
Erigeron spp. | Fleabane |
Eriobotrya spp. | Eriobotrya |
Erythrina spp. | Coral tree |
Escallonia spp. | Escallonia |
Eucalyptus spp. | Eucalyptus |
Eugenia spp. | Eugenia |
Euonymus spp. | Euonymus |
Eupatorium spp. | Boneset |
Euryops spp. | Euryops |
Fatshedera spp. | Aralia ivy |
Fatsia spp. | Japanese fatsia |
Feijoa spp. | Feijoa |
Ficus spp. | Fig |
Forsythia spp. | Golden-bells |
Fortunella spp. | Kumquat |
Fraxinus spp. | Ash |
Gardenia spp. | Gardenia |
Gazania spp. | Gazania |
Geijera spp. | Geijera |
Gelsemium spp. | Yellow jessamine |
Geranium spp. | Cranesbill |
Gerbera spp. | Transvaal daisy |
Ginkgo spp. | Gingko |
Gladiolus spp. | Gladiolus |
Gleditsia spp. | Honey locust |
Gossypium spp. | Cotton |
Grevillea spp. | Spider flower |
Grewia spp. | Grewia |
Hardenbergia spp. | Hardenbergia |
Harpephyllum spp. | Kaffir plum |
Hedera spp. | Ivy |
Helianthus spp. | Sunflower |
Hemerocallis spp. | Daylily |
Heteromeles spp. | Toyon |
Hibiscus spp. | Hibiscus |
Howea spp. | Sentry palm |
Hydrangea spp. | Hydrangea |
Hymenosporum spp. | Hymenosporum |
Hypericum spp. | St. John's-wort |
Ilex spp. | Holly |
Ipomoea spp. | Morning glory |
Itea spp. | Itea |
Jacaranda spp. | Green ebony |
Jasminum spp. | Jasmine |
Juglans spp. | Walnut |
Juniperus spp. | Juniper |
Koelreuteria spp. | Golden-rain tree |
Lactuca spp. | Lettuce |
Lagerstroemia spp. | Crape myrtle |
Lantana spp. | Shrub verbena |
Laurus spp. | Laurel |
Lavatera spp. | Mallow |
Lepidospartum spp. | Scalebroom |
Leptospermum spp. | Leptospermum |
Leucodendron spp. | Leucodendron |
Leucophyllum spp. | Texas ranger |
Leucospermum spp | Pincushion |
Ligustrum spp. | Privet |
Limonium spp. | Statice |
Lippia spp. | Lippia |
Liquidambar spp. | Sweet gum |
Liriodendron spp. | Tulip tree |
Liriope spp. | Giant turf lily |
Litchi spp. | Lychee |
Lonicera spp. | Honeysuckle |
Loropetalum spp. | Loropetalum |
Luma spp. | Luma |
Macadamia spp. | Macadamia |
Magnolia spp. | Magnolia |
Mahonia spp. | Oregon grape |
Malus spp. | Apple |
Malva spp. | Mallow |
Mandevilla spp. | Mandevilla |
Mangifera spp. | Mango |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Maytenus spp. | Maytenus |
Melaleuca spp. | Honey myrtle |
Melia spp. | Chinaberry |
Metrosideros spp. | Metrosideros |
Michelia spp. | Champak |
Mirabilis spp. | Umbrella wort |
Monarda spp. | Wild bergamot |
Monstera spp. | Monstera |
Morus spp. | Mulberry |
Murraya spp. | Orange jessamine |
Musa spp. | Banana |
Myoporum spp. | Myoporum |
Myrsine spp. | Myrsine |
Myrtus spp. | Myrtle |
Nandina spp. | Nandina |
Nephrolepis spp. | Sword fern |
Nerium spp. | Oleander |
Nicotiana spp. | Tree tobacco |
Nyssa spp. | Tupelo |
Oenothera spp. | Evening primrose |
Olea spp. | Olive |
Opuntia spp. | Cactus |
Osmanthus spp. | Osmanthus |
Osteospermum spp. | Osteospermum |
Pachysandra spp. | Spurge |
Pandorea spp. | Pandorea |
Parkinsonia spp. | Mexican Palo Verde |
Parthenocissus spp. | Woodbine |
Passiflora spp. | Passion fruit |
Pelargonium spp. | Pelargonium |
Penstemon spp. | Beard-tongue |
Pereskia spp. | Barbados gooseberry |
Persea spp. | Avocado |
Philadelphus spp. | Mock orange |
Philodendron spp. | Philodendron |
Phlox spp. | Phlox |
Phoenix spp. | Date palm |
Phormium spp. | Flax lily |
Photinia spp. | Photinia |
Phyla spp. | Frogfruit |
Phytolacca spp. | Pokeweed |
Plectranthus spp. | Plectranthus |
Pinus spp. | Pine |
Pistacia spp. | Pistachio |
Pittosporum spp. | Pittosporum |
Platanus spp. | Sycamore |
Platycerium spp. | Staghorn fern |
Plumbago spp. | Leadwort |
Podocarpus spp. | Podocarpus |
Polygala spp. | Milkwort |
Polygonum spp. | Polygonum |
Populus spp. | Cottonwood |
Portulacaria spp. | Portulacaria |
Prosopis spp. | Mesquite |
Protea spp. | Protea |
Prunus spp. | Prunus |
Psidium spp. | Guava |
Punica spp. | Pomegranate |
Pyracantha spp. | Pyracantha/Firethorn |
Pyrus spp. | Pear |
Quercus spp. | Oak |
Raphiolepis spp. | Raphiolepis |
Rhamnus spp. | Buckthorn |
Rhododendron spp. | Azalea |
Rhus spp. | Sumac |
Robinia spp. | Locust |
Rosa spp. | Rose |
Rubus spp. | Blackberry |
Rudbeckia spp. | Coneflower |
Ruellia spp. | Mexican bluebells |
Salix spp. | Willow |
Salvia spp. | Sage |
Sambucus spp. | Elderberry |
Sapium spp. | Sapium |
Sarcococca spp. | Sweet box |
Sassafras spp. | Sassafras |
Schefflera spp. | Umbrella tree |
Schinus spp. | Schinus |
Schlumbergera spp. | Christmas cactus |
Sedum spp. | Sedum |
Simmondsia spp. | Jojoba |
Solanum spp. | Solanum |
Solidago spp. | Goldenrod |
Sonchus spp. | Sonchus |
Sophora spp. | Sun king sophora |
Sorbus spp. | Mountain ash |
Sorghum spp. | Sorghum |
Strelitzia spp. | Bird-of-paradise |
Syringa spp. | Lilac |
Syzygium spp. | Syzygium |
Tabebuia spp. | Trumpet tree |
Tecomaria spp. | Tecomaria |
Ternstroemia spp. | Ternstroemia |
Thuja spp. | Arborvitae |
Tipuana spp. | Tipu tree |
Trachelospermum spp. | Trachelospermum |
Tradescantia spp. | Spiderwort |
Tecoma spp. | Yellowbells |
Tristania spp. | Tristania |
Tulbaghia spp. | Tulbaghia |
Tupidanthus spp. | Tupidanthus |
Ulmus spp. | Elm |
Vauquelinia spp. | Arizona rosewood |
Veronica spp. | Speedwell |
Viburnum spp. | Viburnum |
Vigna spp. | Vigna |
Vinca spp. | Periwinkle |
Viola spp. | Violet |
Vitex spp. | Chaste tree |
Vitis spp. | Grape |
Washingtonia spp. | Washington palm |
Wisteria spp. | Wisteria |
Xanthium spp. | Cocklebur |
Xylosma spp. | Xylosma |
Yucca spp. | Yucca |
Zantedeschia spp. | Calla lily |
Zea spp. | Zea |
Zelkova spp. | Sawleaf zelkova |
Ziziphus spp. | Jujube |
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 3, § 3658
2. New article 3 (sections 3658-3660) and section refiled 11-21-2000 as an emergency; operative 11-21-2000 (Register 2000, No. 47). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 3-21-2001 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
3. New article 3 (sections 3658-3660) and section refiled 3-19-2001 as an emergency; operative 3-19-2001 (Register 2001, No. 12). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 7-17-2001 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
4. New article 3 (sections 3658-3660) and section refiled 7-11-2001 as an emergency; operative 7-11-2001 (Register 2001, No. 28). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 11-8-2001 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
5. Repealed by operation of Government Code section 11346.1(g) (Register 2002, No. 42).
6. New article 3 (sections 3658-3661) and section filed 10-17-2002 as an emergency; operative 10-17-2002 (Register 2002, No. 42). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 2-14-2003 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
7. New article 3 (sections 3658-3661) and section refiled 2-6-2003 as an emergency; operative 2-14-2003 (Register 2003, No. 6). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 6-16-2003 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
8. Certificate of Compliance as to 2-6-2003 order transmitted to OAL 6-16-2003 and filed 7-28-2003 (Register 2003, No. 31).
9. Amendment filed 9-30-2003; operative 9-30-2003 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2003, No. 40).
10. Amendment filed 7-8-2011; operative 8-7-2011 (Register 2011, No. 27).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 6047, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 6045, 6046 and 6047, Food and Agricultural Code.
2. New article 3 (sections 3658-3660) and section refiled 11-21-2000 as an emergency; operative 11-21-2000 (Register 2000, No. 47). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 3-21-2001 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
3. New article 3 (sections 3658-3660) and section refiled 3-19-2001 as an emergency; operative 3-19-2001 (Register 2001, No. 12). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 7-17-2001 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
4. New article 3 (sections 3658-3660) and section refiled 7-11-2001 as an emergency; operative 7-11-2001 (Register 2001, No. 28). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 11-8-2001 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
5. Repealed by operation of Government Code section 11346.1(g) (Register 2002, No. 42).
6. New article 3 (sections 3658-3661) and section filed 10-17-2002 as an emergency; operative 10-17-2002 (Register 2002, No. 42). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 2-14-2003 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
7. New article 3 (sections 3658-3661) and section refiled 2-6-2003 as an emergency; operative 2-14-2003 (Register 2003, No. 6). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 6-16-2003 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
8. Certificate of Compliance as to 2-6-2003 order transmitted to OAL 6-16-2003 and filed 7-28-2003 (Register 2003, No. 31).
9. Amendment filed 9-30-2003; operative 9-30-2003 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2003, No. 40).
10. Amendment filed 7-8-2011; operative 8-7-2011 (Register 2011, No. 27).