Cal. Code Regs. tit. 3 § 3591.22

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 25, June 21, 2024
Section 3591.22 - False Codling Moth Eradication Area
(a) Proclamation of Eradication Area. That portion of the State of California described as follows within which a certain pest, false codling moth (Thaumatotibia leucotreta), is known to exist are hereby proclaimed to be eradication areas with respect to said pest:

The entire State.

(b) Hosts Within Said Area. The following nursery stock, plants and plant parts and any greenwaste residues thereof or any other plant which by scientific investigation is shown to be capable of sustaining false codling moth in any stage of development:

Scientific NameCommon Name
Abelmoschus esculentusOkra
Abutilon hybridumIndian mallow
Abutilon spp.Flowering maple, Mallow
Ananas comosusPineapple
Annona cherimolaCherimoya
Annona glabraPond apple
Annona muricataSoursop
Annona reticulataCustard apple
Annona squamosaSugar apple
Annona spp.Sweetsop
Averrhoa carambolaCarambola
Azanza garckeanaSnot apple
Bauhinia galpiniPride of De Kaap
Butryospermum parkiiButterseed
Caesalpinia pulcherrimaPeacock flower
Calotropis proceraSodom apple
Camellia sinensisTea
Capparis tomentosaWoolly caper-bush
Capsicum spp.Pepper
Cassia petersianaMonkey pod
Catha edulisKhat
Ceiba pentandraKapok
Chrysophyllum cainitoStar apple
Citrus aurantiifoliaLime
Citrus limonLemon
Citrus paradisiGrapefruit
Citrus paradisi x Citrus reticulataTangelo
Citrus reticulataMandarin orange
Citrus reticulata x Citrus sinensisTemple orange
Citrus sinensisSweet orange
Citrus spp.Orange
Coffea arabicaCoffee
Coffea spp.Coffee
Cola nitidaCola
Combretum apiculatumRed bushwillow, Rooibos
Combretum zeyheriLarge fruited bushwillow
Cyphomandra betaceaTree tomato
Diospyros mespiliformisJakkalsbessie
Diospyros spp.Persimmon
Englerophytum magalismontanumStemfruit
Eriobotrya japonicaLoquat
Eugenia unifloraSurinam cherry
Ficus capensisWild fig
Flacourtia indicaGovernor's plum
Garcinia mangostanaMangosteen
Gossypium hirsutumCotton
Gossypium spp.Cotton
Harpephyllym cattrumKafir plum
Hibiscus spp.Hibiscus
Juglans regiaEnglish walnut
Juglans spp.Walnut
Litchi chinensisLitchi
Lycopersicon esculentumTomato
Macadamia ternifoliaMacadamia nut
Macadamia spp.Macadamia
Mangifera indicaMango
Mumisops zeyheriRed milkweed
Musa paradisiaca var. sapientumBanana
Olea europaeaOlive
Pennisetum purpureumElephant grass
Persea americanaAvocado
Phaseolus lunatusLima bean
Physalis ixocarpaHusk tomato
Physalis spp.Ground cherry
Podocarpus falcatusOuteniqua yellowwood
Prunus armeniacaApricot
Prunus domesticaPrune
Prunus persicaPeach
Prunus spp.Cherry (all), Plum
Pseudolachnostylis maprounaefoliaKudu-berry
Psidium guajavaCommon guava
Punica granatumPomegranate
Quercus spp.Oak
Ricinus communisCastor bean
Royena pallensBluobos
Schotia afraBoerboon
Schotia speciosaHottentot kafir bean tree
Sclerocarya birreaMarula
Sclerocarya caffraMarula, Kafir marvolanut
Sechium eduleChayote
Sida spp.Sida
Solanum melongenaEggplant
Sorghum vulgareSorghum
Sorghum spp.Sorghum
Syzygium cordatumWater-bessie
Syzygium jambosRose apple
Synsepalum dulciticumMiraculous berry
Theobroma cacaoCacao
Triumfetta spp.Burrbark
Vangueria infaustaWild medlar
Vigna unguiculataCowpea
Vigna spp.Cowpea
Vitis viniferaGrape
Vitis spp.Grape
Xeroderris stuhlmanniiWing bean
Ximenia caffraLarge sour plum
Yucca alofoliaSpanish bayonet
Yucca gloriosaSpanish dagger
Yucca spp.Yucca
Zea maysCorn
Ziziphus jujubeJujube
Ziziphus mucronataBuffalo thorn

(c) Possible Carriers. Possible carriers shall include all appliances used in the growing, harvesting, processing and hauling of the host plants and plant parts and any greenwaste residues including but not limited to tractors, trailers, trucks, planting, picking and pruning equipment and processing machinery, the premises and appurtenances thereto and any lands where host plants are growing or were grown during the past season, or any other thing which by scientific investigation is shown to be capable of harboring or spreading any stage of false codling moth.
(d) Means and Methods. The following means and methods may be used in the control and eradication of said pest within said area:
(1) The repeated application of insecticides or herbicides sprays or dusts or biological agents or pheromones to disrupt mating or mass trapping by approved methods to any or all premises or lands, host plants or possible carriers, and any other articles or things which are infested or exposed to infestation and capable of harboring or spreading the false codling moth.
(2) The removal and destruction of any and all possible carriers, including nursery stock or trees and shrubs if permission is received from the property owner, or if such action is the only practical way of eliminating the infestation of a host or possible carrier to prevent the spread or reinfestation of false codling moth.
(3) The searching for all stages of false codling moth by visual inspection, the use of traps, or any other means anywhere within the said area.
(4) The removal and destruction of abandoned or unwanted hosts or possible carriers bearing or capable of bearing false codling moth in any life stage.
(5) Covering with tarps or enclosed construction of all trucks, trailers and other appliances hauling host plants, host plant crops or greenwaste residues to or from packing or processing facilities, greenwaste transfer stations, landfills, or elsewhere, to prevent spillage or blowout along roads.
(6) The importation, rearing, or liberation of sterile forms of the false codling moth.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 3, § 3591.22

1. New section filed 8-1-2008 as an emergency; operative 8-1-2008 (Register 2008, No. 31). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 1-28-2009 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
2. Certificate of Compliance as to 8-1-2008 order transmitted to OAL 12-17-2008 and filed 1-21-2009 (Register 2009, No. 4).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 5322, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 407, 5322, 5761, 5762 and 5763, Food and Agricultural Code.

1. New section filed 8-1-2008 as an emergency; operative 8-1-2008 (Register 2008, No. 31). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 1-28-2009 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
2. Certificate of Compliance as to 8-1-2008 order transmitted to OAL 12-17-2008 and filed 1-21-2009 (Register 2009, No. 4).